All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

Keep clicking those spells small-nose mouth-breathing Gnome

thanks for the resume, but im just gonna repeat my unanswered question here - are you okay?

The number of “known facts” about population on servers in this thread that are all mutually exclusive and all flagrantly conflict with the few -actual- statistics we have available are hee-lar-ee-us.

Here’s what we know:

Historically, population balance across all PvP servers has been within ~8% for the entire life of the game. Straight from Blizzard. Population across all server types is within 4%.

This doesn’t mean individual servers arent imbalanced (they are), but, as a whole, population doesn’t deviate much beyond 55/45 in favor of one faction or the other (historically, Horde in the US and Alliance in the EU) across all PvP servers.

Since the BGs will be Battlegrouped (probably only a single group, though, as there simply aren’t that many servers) … overall population is the only relevant metric…

And there is certainly no effing way “All” PvP servers are 2:1 Horde. World just dont work that way.

Why I’m playing PVE. No trolls to stop my fun.

You realize tho you’ve only seen 50% of the game right? Alliance has a ton more content that you’ve never seen that’s in some zones way more amazing then the horde’s side.

you dont have meaningful PVP cause pvp is currently without meaning. Id gank horde all day long if there was a purpose… right now its just for pure douchebaggery’s sake which I admit is sometimes nice… but until there is a purpose, id rather live and let live

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This post is so cancerous. First of all you have no proof to what you’re claiming, at all. If anything there’s polls and such that disprove what you’re saying.

Second of all there’s literally NO reason to PvP at the moment other than to piss people off. There’s no honor system and everyone’s purely focusing on leveling to get to end game as fast as possible - you’re not going to have meaningful PvP for a while. The majority of players don’t even have a max level toon to even start alts even if they wanted to.

This post is so bad.-

Nah bro, I like pvp in all its forms. You just sit in complete safety in IF and do you.

Even if I died every time I stepped out of a town, wouldn’t make a difference to me.

Used to call cats like you trammies back in the day.

Edit: if all you wanna do is que bg’s Then wtf is the point rolling a pvp server?

The world has just gone soft in general.

Shush. Only a fool would run headlong into a Zerg over and over again. I’m not getting goaded into handing you free HKs.

Sure, world PvP can be fun, but it’s really just for screwing around - it doesn’t measure skill, especially with the ratio so jacked up.

And look at you… World has gone soft? This is a video game - Don’t pretend you’re some sort of tough guy.

“Oh in my day it was full-loot 10v1 PvP, herp derp.”

Soft. Just soft.

^^ When you know your argument is weak.

It’s not an argument. Go sit in safety and que up for bg’s.

There is no argument it’s an opinion.

I think you are soft.

Pretty much that’s it. Do you also cross the street when you see someone walking a pitbull down your side?

I engage in world PvP and I never walk by another Alliance getting ganked, even if it results in my death.

My only purpose was to point out that wPvP is a fool’s errand at the moment because of the sizeable population imbalance.

Your personal insults are tiring, by the way, and are certainly way off-target…

I could easily imply that you are “soft” by referencing your clear need to outnumber an opponent in order to win a fight.

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You obviously haven’t been to Grobbulus. We’re already organizing RP-PVP events despite most people only being level 30-40. Constant fights in almost every contested zone. Not everyone is focused on speed leveling to 60, a lot of us are enjoying the journey. WPVP is it’s own reward.

Yea… definitely Horde outnumbering Alliance everywhere.
Is it really our fault that all your Alliance buddies chose to roll on carebear servers?

There is one thing I don’t understand about this site. Take Westfall for example: first graph shows over 50K alliance and over 20K horde. But the second graph shows more horde players, level by level…

What am I missing here?

Edit: I guess the red part just “completes” the blue bar, it’s not like the red bar is hidden behind the blue.

Yeah, it’s sad.

Its not your fault, but it’s definitely your problem too. All good PvP players certainly want a balance. Better wPvP and better BGs/queues.

World PvP is one thing, but frankly it’s got a limited shelf life with the Honor system inbound.

The honor system was the single worse thing that ever happened to World PvP. Nobody wanted to raid towns anymore or join up in raids to attack cities, because the risk of some random mage or hunter in your group catching a random level 10 bread vendor with stray AoE was so high, and the effects of a single dishonorable kill was crushing for someone pushing rank.

As for BG queues, I don’t think it’ll be a problem this time around. Classic is based on v1.12, at which point cross-realm BGs were introduced. Cross-realm queue times were never particularly egregious, for either side.

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It really depends. I know a lot of you haven’t kept up with Retail, but if our population skew mirrors theirs, queue times could become a real problem.

It’s so bad in Retail that Horde has to queue up to fight for the Alliance. Did you know about Merc Mode?

Hmm so Alliance’s most played class on Herod is mage and horde is Warrior, interesting

My server is heavily skewed on Alliance side and is PvP… this actually worries me a bit