I am leveling 3 classic toons. I wouldn’t so much say I have an addiction but I want to experience the ones I loved. Granted, my highest is almost 30 and I’m by no means “rushing” like some are.
Like the title says. Every server in the game is heavily Horde. There isn’t enough Alliance
These websites are wildly inaccurate and currently do not paint an accurate picture of any server! I hope blizzard make a blue post to address H:A ratio and put these absurd website numbers to rest.
I’ve got friends that have multiple because"
- They’re indecisive
- They’re saving them to level with friends
- They dont see level 60 as some ultimatum
Classic offers a lot more than retail does at lower levels. It’s not unreasonable to just not feel a need to rush to 60 Some people also just have more time on their hands, whether its disability leave, vacation, job transitions etc… Aint always about that addiction train.
I don’t think you are playing the right class if you don’t want to start fights. I love picking off the stragglers and then running off when the rest come looking for me. The best kills are always someone who is low on health while his buddy is standing right next to him.
I’m the opposite. Maybe it’s because I was Horde from MoP through Legion.
Can you cite the source of your data? Because I see the exact opposite of the situation you describe on the 3 servers I’ve rolled on.
I did the same thing.
This is my new avatar.
That has to be the single most wimpy post I’ve ever read.
You should be ashamed.
@Pentanse, Sorry I didn’t mean this “phase” but patch 1.12. I heard phase 3 and phase 4,5 from others. I’m sure at some point it will happen as blizzard did confirm in a interview.
Competing in organized PvP is wimpy?
I think you’re projecting - overwhelming numbers in world PvP might be your jam, but I like a challenging, even fight.
To each their own, I guess.
Be nice if you see me out there
My brother, Brewfus, and I are kill many horde. Wish we could fine more. Fite me. Is dorf. U die. Lol is already dead. Redead not undead. Oh lawd the instant BG queues will be glorious \o/
What moron uses the chain to get down?
wowpop. appspot. com
some servers look fairly Balanced like Sulfuras, Grobulus, and Kromcrush. Also White Mane is 39k Horde to 32k Alliance so that gap has closed since I was last there. Skeram is heavily Horde favored yet 2 Alliance guilds have beaten Phase 1 so it must not be that bad. Stalagg is heavily Horde favored as well yet GRIZZLY is Alliance and was the second guild in the World to clear Phase 1 and there is another Alliance guild there thats also cleared MC/Ony so far. The Horde:Alliance ratios arent bad, just bad players.
The # of characters created is different than the # of characters being played. People create characters and drop them for all sorts of reasons.
Presently, at any given time, there are twice as many Horde online
Sure Jan, lie some more.
I don’t blame people for not rolling alliance on pvp servers. Alliance don’t know how to put the war into warcraft. They’re just a bunch of back peddlin’ keyboard turnin’ bubble hearthin’ wimps.
Sure friend, I’ll keep that in mind as my dots kill the next poor Tauren that tries to run away from me.
It all depends on when you’re playing. Off peak hours are more balanced.