All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

Maybe you should roll Alliance?

If this is true Awesome. When bg’s come out I will have insta que!!! Premade will stop yall horde skum and I will rank faster that all u scrubs waiting hours for an AV.

Not even close. While the Orc racial is pretty solid, most Horde racials are very situational, like Alliance.

I firmly believe that Alliance racials are superior in PvP.
WotF for instance, it’s good against priest and lock. The immunity is only 2 seconds, and it doesn’t work with terror effects, which means any caster worth a darn will have you feared out of terror and have you down.
Human perception is an iwin button against Horde Rogues.

Stomeform is an iwin button against Horde Rogues.

Racials are so situational they really don’t matter outside of a few certain encounters, but Alliance racials have a slightly broader field of use IMO.
I enjoy slaying all these pro Horde PvPrs that think they’re on the superior race, after 10+ years on Horde I ougta.

Actually mr. Smarty pants. There’s s graph out there like realm pop atm that is doing the math. And it is 2:1 alliance, do you play on a pvp realm? Obviously nothing is gonna be done about it since blizzard can’t figure it out in retail either. One of the down sides of being on a pvp server, but on the plus side I can gank horde in hilsbrad all day:)

World PvP is sooo boring on the PvP server that I am on because of this reason. All quest zones have more Horde, all dungeon entrances are infested with Horde. It just makes no sense why anyone can find fun in crushing people that are lower level and outnumbered. Even today while I was trying to run Scarlet Monastery, there was literally 20+ Horde just standing outside of the instances killing Alliance members for hours on end while the Horde are skull level. I understand why many people like PvE servers more and those people tend to be Alliance.

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I’m on Mankirk which is 35A-65H and I literally had no clue until I looked up server stats after reading this thread. It really doesn’t matter at all. It’s been completely un-noticed.

I wonder if it’s because there’s like 9 dungeons in Horde zones and 3 in Alliance, or because Horde specific quests tend to reward better gear than Alliance ones, or because you can reliably level to around 45 without ever being forced to flag.

This is not true at all. Look at the website wowpop(.)appspot(.)com. While these are estimates from census addons, many servers have enough sampling to get a good sense of the population size and alliance to horde ratios. As an example, my realm, Sulfuras, is nearly 50:50, and I do get that sense when Im in game as well

That site is giving me a nearly 2:1 ratio on my server for Horde to Alliance and it seems pretty accurate lmao.

Unfortunately that wont always be enough to save you. Especially if you’re losing the void sac shield on favor of the invis detection.

My realm is apparently alliance favored and not horde favored.

Your argument kinda just evaporated.

Where is this graph?

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Can you link where you found this information?

Yeah some of the PvE servers are not balanced… but it matters less with those… just as long as the server has a decent total population.

Horde has always been the meme faction where all the “rebels” go to make a statement; “Look at me! I’m the cool monster race! Where all the HARDCORE people are!”.

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Detect Invisibility is a spell warlocks can cast. You’re thinking of Paranoia, which increases stealth detection, casted by the Felhunter pet. Detect Invisibility just lets you see invisible mobs.

:mage: All shall perish! :fire:

Good luck with the queue no those. Remember the “playing on the other side” option wasn’t around in vanilla. So you will have to wait around in a queue while the Alliance has instant pops all day long.

This census tool is utilising /who. It doesnt consider whether multiple toons belong to 1 person. So for instance the guy on alliance who’s always reminding the team to check their posture has several toons he’s leveling, that’s why you see different people with that message in world chat. This may be a disparity between horde and alliance, it’s hard to infer what type of player would be more or less likely to do that.

TL;DR take these numbers with a grain of salt. What we really need is a daily average and not just a net sum.

Don’t think that works on stealth chars no?

Correct, absolutely worthless against stealth. Only reveals “Invisible” like mages, and some mobs.

If someone has multiple toons at this point in classic I think they might have a serious world of warcraft addiction…