All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

I’ll just kill them all.

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Heartseeker NA EST PVP has a slight alliance edge, a couple of the other low pop may also but yeah all the big pvp servers are definitely horde heavy

They’re called The Horde for a reason. If they didn’t outnumber us then you may as well call them ‘The Fairies’.

Yeah, we outnumber you on Kirtonos pretty darn bad, that’s for sure. Right now it works in the Hordes favor but if you stick it out until the BGs drop you will end up having instant queues whenever you want to do PvP so there is that.

I just want to point out how idiotic you look saying something like.

The real faction? Wow you are so full of yourself and this game, maybe you do need to get a life or at least a better understanding of it.

People from all walks of life play this game on both factions. On some servers the Alliance are more skilled than Horde at PvP and vice versa, personally I’ve found more mature players on the alliance side than horde side. What you said is anything but mature and indicative of how childish your view is.

The most skilled PvPers choose the underdog side, regardless of the faction, it is simply more fun to fight an uphill battle when you have the skills and team work to do it. It has nothing to do with this ridiculous idea of grown ups playing the real race, I feel like an idiot just typing that jeeze. Clearly you’re not one of the skilled pvpers, you’re far too dense.


The main reason I don’t typically attack first is that I don’t want to deal with the retaliation. It seems in every zone is grossly outnumbered by horde, and if I kill one horde I’ll soon be swarmed by a bunch and will have to leave. If I see some fighting where it’s not just 5 horde attacking one guy I jump in right away to help.

Oddly the only time horde have attacked me 1 on 1 was when I was in the barrens fishing and they were 10 levels lower than me.

My friend was in Ashenvale yesterday (Rogue) just ganking people left and right. After about 5 minutes about 13-14 Horde showed up looking for him, with about 7 of them being ??. He was only level 25 lol.


retail is more like 5-1…lol.

This has been Alliance mentality since always. Alliance just want to chill and get quests done. Horde want to PVP for the fun of PVP. This is the basis of most Warmode complaints as well.

Very wrong. there are heavy alliance servers too, and a few are actually balanced

They were summoned from deep within, somewhere between upper intestinal spire and lower intestinal spire

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I predicted this happening and once I saw it confirmed, I rerolled my Horde to Alliance.

Of course, the realm I chose though is a bit more in favour of Alliance instead of Horde, figures!

Alliance races are all so ugly. Horde so pretty :heart:

Servers are like how they are cause i think it is true most alliance dont want to pvp and so roll on pve servers then of the allys that are left i would say half of them only are goibg onto a pvp server because there guild wanted that server and then i would say half of them go out n quest and just get ran over by the hordes…horde a flood of them 5 or more vs 1 and so they just dungeon grind cause the odds are just to uneven…and at the end your left with a very small amount of alliance out questing cause it sucks being ganked by so many that u cant win…from what i have found moat horde if they are about your lvl dont want to risk fighting but soon as they get in a group then they feel it is safe enough and then will attack …so just avoid groupa when u can and avoid horde who are much higher lvl u do that and u wont be ganked as much cause while on both sides there are some great pvpers most people are cowards n only attack when its zero risk…all hail the brave warriors who are so skilled attacking that solo person in a group …i envy your skill level it takes alot of courage

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I’ve played since Feb of release but thanks for playing. Sorry that not posting on my Classic toon hurt your feelings.

i killed dozens of Horde tonight on Grobbulus… thank you.

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Nah, Deviate Delight is pretty even, maybe 55:45. I know a few realms like this.

It’s crazy difficult to level on Sulfuras once you hit 30. There are, well, hordes of horde in STV, Desolace, and Dustwallow Marsh and absolutely no one helping to clear out questing areas.

I stood outside Blackfathom Deeps for around an hour today just warding off mobs of lowbie Horde (I’m in my 30s now) so a few Alliance groups could zone into the dungeon.

I disagree only in that it was a perceived scapegoat complaint for the first 5-7 years, like most anything else pvp Blizzard overreacted to, and only once ratios got insanely out of whack (7:1 or higher thereabouts) did it become a ‘major’ problem.

Right now - faction balance in Classic means JACK.