PS Thank your son for his service for me too
So reroll alliance.
Oh I get it, you want everyone ELSE to solve the problem that you have, you don’t want to actually do it yourself.
On Mal’Ganis during BC/WOTLK, there were literally more blood elves than all of Alliance combined. Horde have always outnumbered alliance since 2004.
I don’t understand why people don’t get that more people roll Horde than Alliance. How is this a hard concept to understand?
yeah cause horde don’t have pocket healers too… GL
Horde pocket healers>Alliance pocket healers.
A warrior and an enhancement shaman, or any shaman for that matter is far scarier than a warrior and ret or holy paladin. Shamans are just far superior to paladins in PVP, and they enhance their melee and ranged fighter partners much much more.
I played Horde all the way to Cata. I had one toon Alliance got him to Level 80 and stopped playing him. The only part I enjoyed was the story line was better for Alliance than Horde in LK.
Now Alliance, it is all new to me and having a great time playing.
If the horde players were such ultra badactors why don’t they have the courage to play alliance? They don’t. It’s that simple. All of my horde encounters have been 1vX, ALL of them. They couldn’t do anything without clearly obvious advantages such as greater numbers. These horde players CRUTCH on racials and sheer numbers. If you think I respect any of them, you are sorely mistaken.
fake news, on my server its mainly alliance, so…
OP is misinformed.
but honestly, more alliance = more targets for me, so I’m totally satisfied.
Actually, Horde only started having superior numbers AFTER we got the pretty elves.
Alliance in Classic has the ‘pretty’ races (by design), and thus has always had the upper hand in numbers. I do not for one minute think this will change, because …humans.
Let’s be honest, friend.
There are NORMAL servers, the way the game was intended to be played.
and PvP servers, for the mentally deranged.
ok? ty.
That he has done his part, for what it’s worth?
according to wowpop my server is pretty 50/50
i have noticed more and more allies coming out of the woodwork lately
Whatever you have to tell yourself.
LMAO. Say that with a straight face after a Warrior with BoF and Fear Ward slapped on him tears apart 5 Horde by himself
Bigglesworth is almost 50-50 and I can assure the alliance doesn’t stand around and let other alliance get slaughtered. It’s a really fun back and forth.
Can you cite the source of your statistical data. We’ll wait.
On Alliance Kirtonos as well but I haven’t really had many problems with horde (lvl 38). I’m sure it will get 100x worse after honor is added though.
I honestly really wanted to play horde, I believe their zones/dungeons and racials are mostly better designed than Alliance. The ONLY reason I chose Alliance this time was because I hated being overpopulated when I played horde in the past- It took forever to get into BGs and I actually felt guilty killing alliance out in the world.
I have played horde from the first time I played Warcraft. I still have that urge to play Horde. As for grouping for world pvp I only did level appropriate. If the player is to low to get honor I leave them alone.