All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

They did something about this, it was called release new expansions that rebalanced racials.

I’m perfectly fine. I have no complaints about faction imbalance. Considering I am a disabled combat veteran with a wife and family, your assumptions about me having no accomplishments or personal life would be incorrect. I have a silver star to show for my wounds, it’s very possible that is more than you’ve accomplished in your entire life. Now people like you pay my check with your taxes so I can sit home and game. Imagine that.

I do play a lot of games. It’s one of the things I am still able to do and enjoy. Nothing about my original post was “RP”, the poster was just a sensitive little baby that is easily offended. “Oh mah gawrd, don’t rp on a MMORPG forum loozer”. Sure thing. You can have the real me no problem.

I would say I’m having the opposite of a mid life crisis. I’m having the time of my life doing pvp on a pvp server curb stomping alliance like it’s my job. (I’m horde, so it is.) As far as taking wow seriously? Sure. It’s a passion of mine. People like me that voiced their want and need for a vanilla version of wow are the reason it got remade despite them saying it would never happen.

You can continue to try and insult my personal life or intellectual level, but for me to actually care you’re going to have to try a lot harder, it would also require you to be smarter than me, but I highly doubt that is the case. I’m not however going to make baseless assumptions about you like you did me. In 2 months when you hit 60 you can have fun too, don’t worry. :joy:

I will never play alliance agian because of the sheer fact that it draws the immature childern more then horde.

Herod is like 60/40 split its really not that bad. Did run into a horde MC raid last night trying to get into BRD and that was fun lmao

Could have fooled me leveling in Kalimdor. Horde are everywhere.

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Yawn. Overly aggressive (on a video game no less, very tough) man is overly aggressive. Just like my example of the rec league. Typically those guys were the worst players. I can see a lot of built up frustration there.

I will say this, out of my deep respect for the military and as the son of veteran parents, thank you for your service. (If you aren’t pulling some stolen valor crap right now.)

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This just means no one has polled the server Ally side and posted the results.

overall cuz your horde

Having played both sides of this fence… I see no significant “player” differences between the factions.

Your entire comment is really ironic. But especially the last part. Are we the ones complaining or are you? Because your comment is just one big complaint.

There are plenty of Alliance. Want to go see them? Go to a PvE server. Where you can finally outnumber Horde. Says all you need to know about the Alliance.

Overall meaning when you factor all servers together. The imbalances on PvE servers are far worse than those on PvP servers (they’re much more Alliance-leaning), though understandably they’re not brought up as much since the in-game experience isn’t as negatively impacted by the minority faction in those cases.

As you said faction imbalance doesn’t matter at all on PVE realms. It’s not something that’s even worth mentioning.

WHAT??? lol This stupid argument for go to a PvE server so you outnumber Horde thing is dumb. Why would ratio matter on a PvE server? It wouldn’t. It’s also imbalanced there because of the way Horde play on every PvP server. It forces those who don’t want to be 40v1d every day to reroll on a server where that can’t happen… hence the overpopulated PvE alliance, and overpopulated PvP horde… YOU JUST EXPLAINED MY POINT. Thank you.

Also, stop typing. Not coming back, to this thread. byeeee.

It was always like this. This is why I only play pvp realms as horde. I had a horde pvp realm and an alliance pvp realm in vanilla. I didn’t realize how masochistic it was then, but I do now and i’m not doing it lol.

It doesn’t LOL Dude you’re going nuts over a sarcastic post. The point of my comment was to show you that the Alliance community does exist. You just all decided to go to PvE servers because you can’t handle the PvP.

On an individual PvE server basis, yeah I’d say that it doesn’t matter. Though when bringing up PvP server disparities and more importantly the PvP player pool, it needs to be pointed out since it shows where the Alliance’s player base is choosing to congregate.

You poor baby. Typical baby Alliance. PvE is where you belong.

I find it entertaining myself. I rather enjoy smacking the hornets nest and getting 20 horde to show up for one rogue. Also my queue times are going to be great whenever battlegrounds come out!

Not pulling stolen valor. And I appreciate finding common ground somewhere. I was MOS 11b Airborne infantry, did basic and AIT at fort benning at sand hill, did airborne school there, did ranger (RIP) selection there, did sniper school there, did ranger school there, was stationed in 3rd bat 75th rangers at benning and later on at ft bragg with the 82nd airborne. Was first boots on the ground on 2003/2004 at 20 years old right out of high school, fought in the first battle of Fallujah. Injured by an IED. Minor injury imo, it still led to a medical discharge though.

So yeah, I sit at home and am limited in what I can actually do, but I do have a life, world of warcraft happens to be a big part of it. I sling the occasional faction insult around, but it’s just a game. One I happen to have a lot of time to spend playing.

We’re still going to fist fight if I see you in the open world though, no mercy for the alliance. But no harms no foul man, I don’t take anything on an internet forum personally. I just stir the pot sometimes just to see if I can get the sensitives to come out. :stuck_out_tongue: Getting mad at me for saying For the horde on a Wow forum and calling it RP made me literally laugh out loud, I couldn’t resist striking back. Plus it was a blood elf, so double bonus there.