All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

Yeah I started alliance on my server, ques were 30-1hr, ended up going horde, 1-10 min ques, windfury totem. ques be damned this time. i love wf totem

Are you okay?


I dont know where u got that stat cause on Grob, you cant quest anywhere without running into a grp of 5-8 alliance. Spent the better part of 3 hours just trying to run them out of hillsbrad manor area and gromgol. I dont think you know what you are talking about.

Cry more, retail baby.

You could start with a source. But guessing you have none, and this post is just based on your “feelycraft”.

On a side note, you Horde baddies need the advantage to make things fair anyways.

Westfall is so alliance dominated that isn’t funny, the max of horde that i ran out was a group with pvp on in arathi that got smacked in the face by a team of paladins and a warrior in stromguarde

Post on your Classic character or gtfo.

and of course Westfall is Alliance dominated. First time playing WoW?


Oblige me you pigmy inhuman mutant spawn of an Elf demon

Yes, without some marginal dungeon upgrades at low level you will never make it past those levels.

It’s kinda cool being the only human in Ratchet, then again I’m also not on a pvp server, so.

Overall balance is fine, but PvP servers are going to be heavily Horde-skewed. With the exception of Mankrik, PvE servers are even more imbalanced in favor of the Alliance, though.

There are a lot of “not my problem” players, that’s part of it :smiley:

On PvE servers, a faction disparity doesn’t mean anything!

Also Alliance will come out of this very hardened if the game makes it through phase 2. Imagine a situation where all of your matches have caps on opponents and level ranges are pretty much equal.

Don’t know - All I can tell you is that it always feels like you are outnumbered by the other side, even if you are Horde.

It really depends where you are. If you are in STV, Alliance always outnumber Horde, because it is so accessible from Duskwood. I think Grobbulus is pretty even.

I don’t think he has much going for him in his life, so he uses WoW as his accomplishment. Its very serious for him (although the Horde are typically the cowards, at least on my realm, win a fair fight and they bring a raid to kill you lel).

Its kinda like playing in a rec league of hockey, and the older guys come in with an attitude because they are going through a mid life crisis. They think they are hot poop and are playing for the stanley cup. Its just cringe. Thats what I imagine when I see this dweeb’s post.

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Well, it is something that is worth bringing up in these threads since it speaks to player base priorities. There are clearly a lot of WoW Classic players who prefer Alliance and want to play the faction, though the types of players who want to be in a PvP server setting are less numerous on the Blue Side.

Saying anything beyond that would be making assumptions about player demographics that may not be true, though all I can say is that the Alliance’s player base is just less interested in wPvP and PvP server settings.

well that’s exactly why people keep choosing horde… they are trash. Its much easier to be a part of the mob then actually have to fend for yourself while questing. and the gap just keeps growing . Current questing in places like stv is beyond annoying as alliance right now. theres groups of horde on every single quest. You cant engage a horde 1v1 without 5 others seeing it and jumping on you.


He’s mad he has to fight over one Alliance lowbie with 10 other Undead clothies and rogues.

Can confirm. Alliance have a bunch of carebears.

Except Faerlina is Alliance > Horde