All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

Overall maybe not but there absolutely were some servers that had 2:1 Alliance to Horde.

Your server is not necessarily representative of all servers and making assumptions and using hyperbole doesn’t make your statements true.

Also wtf is that closing statement lmfao

I actually found the amount of horde players surprising given how much weaker it is in pve. That said it does hold powerful advantages in pvp so maybe that is the draw.

Imagine complaining about pvp on a pvp server


Imagine thinking that people play on PVP servers to get 4v1’d by people 10 levels higher.

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If you can’t beat them, let them carry you, eh? :kissing_heart:

Grobbules based on early surveys and player experience seems to be balanced.

Slayed every single horde in my path up until mid 30s, after that the zones are pretty desert since everyone is doing meta dungeon grinds. You only ever find people too kill when you exit a dungeon to reset, sad…

If I could faction change, I would consider it. ,I’m not rerolling now lol.

It’s not RP, it’s a fact. Alliance world pvp players are pussies, there is a reason horde is the favored faction now and wasn’t in vanilla. Because little kids play alliance, when people grow up they play the real faction. Every single zone I have gotten world pvp involved in at 50+ we have completely run alliance off. 17 of us in a raid group were enough to completely stop a full raid of alliance players from entering molten core for almost 2 hours. We just camped the entire chain and both entrances and we pretty much ended their raid night.

Also, I can’t take you serious. You talk about cringe RP and you play a blood elf, the most cringe, overpopulated, unoriginal thing in wow. Lol, jokes on you.

I am really struggling with this. I’ve played enough Alliance in the past to deal with it (I’m about 90% Horde, 10% Alliance playtime over the years) but the social guild I’m rolling with wants to do Alliance on Classic. Sigh.

I log in to my Horde server and I feel so much more at home. Of course, I don’t have time to play more than 1 character, really, because work. It’s very sad.

hex is ranged MS for group play. Shadowguard does 500dmg per tick…

This is why I 100% went alliance. Give me them instant BG queues bby.


I can tell you it at least 60-40 in favour of Horde on Arugal. I see way more hordies than my own people in every contested zones lol.

Pretty sure people play on PvP servers to…actually PvP. Not to continually corpse run because a group of players from an overpopulated faction is camping.

Oh man, those 4 ??s really had a tough time taking out that low level player over and over. What great PvP that is.


It’s not any fun for the horde either because there’s not enough enemies to play against

I know right screw the horde.

sounds like the same QQ from all the Alliance on retail about War Mode. The problem isnt Blizzard its all the cowardly Alliance that refuse to PvP. Just look at the PvE servers, they are all Alliance heavy.


Wouldnt it be easier to lock a realm when it has hit a certain amount, example.

1000 players. When there are 500 horde the realm is locked to horde no more horde players can be made or vice a versa and then it unlocks to allow more players and then relocks to balance. seems like this could be done to make the realms balanced.

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That’s because Alliance were the majority in Vanilla, not Horde. It didn’t change until Blood Elves came out and for some reason everyone went crazy and just HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD to be a pink elf.