no, i am 100% an advocate for no changes
But you are okay with the other changes outside of layering, that doesn’t seem like a #nochanges attitude.
no, i just dont care about many of the small changes blizzard has made, or i was vocal about them and have since stopped caring
This line of logic doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. A lot of us want Classic WoW to be as sucessful as possible-- if we think there’s a feature that is detrimental to the sucess of Classic WoW, it is going to matter to us, even if it is only applied to certain realms and doesn’t directly affect us.
We also want it to be successful, problem is Oceania got shafted once again or does the oceanic player base mean literally nothing to the people from NA?
Perfect timing just in time for all Oceanic guilds to transfer to Arugal to test your queue service.
“we’ve carefully observed and tracked the player populations on those realms”
Was this decision over a 10 min zoom meeting on Friday? Was your employees wanting early weekend and go lets makes all servers 1 layer.
4 hour queues on Arugal is not evidence of carefully observered and tracked the player populations.
we need layer !!!
Talk about make up your mind and stop contradicting yourself…
Of course it does. I was just questioning the one talking point, because I think it’s problematic.
It would surprise me if Blizzard didn’t add layers back to Arugal. That’s pretty much assured. At the very least, free transfers off the server. I understand the frustration of having to wait around for Blizzard to finally pull the trigger on that, but there is no malice intent behind these decisions.
What seems plausible to me is that Blizzard listened to the data, but didn’t give context to the data. Perhaps they hadn’t realized just how many players would come back for AQ?
It’s important to note that this transition to “no layers” has been relatively smooth for almost all of the other realms.
Sure is fun missing week 2 lock out.
Will they open a new server for these free transfers with AQ open? Doubt anyone wants to do the war effort for a second time on Felstriker.
That’s why it seems more likely to me that they’ll just remove layers. If they do go the free server transfer option-- I would encourage a discussion around how the war effort will be handled.
if it were up to me, blizzard would have just licensed their ip to the guys in france that did nostalrius.
“where do i go for >quest<?”
“how do i do >quest<?”
“did anyone else reroll from alliance?”
“wow i never knew horde cities looked like this”
“guys where do i go for >quest<?”
“just read the >quest log< for >quest<”
$15 subscription
Multi-billion dollar company
3,062+ 4hr queue right now
So these are the options, if they refuse to re-add layering to Arugal.
- Suffer with 5+ hour queues.
- Pay to move to Felstriker (AQ closed)
- Pay to move to Yojamba (AQ closed for 4 more days) and probably give them a queue as they are high pop)
- Free transfers to Felstriker (AQ closed)
- Free transfers to a new server (AQ Open)
I would like to meet the data analysts who came to this conclusion. The mentality of one size fits all does not work for all servers. Please bring back layer to Argaul + other full servers.
None of which seem like desirable solutions over just re-adding layering. I think option number 5 would be interesting however.
I myself, am pretty surprised that Blizzard used data to decide that now would be a “safer” time to remove layering on Arugal. I’m usually very supportive of Blizzard, but even I’m curious about how the data seems to be this far off.
As much as I would like to give Blizzard the benefit of doubt, removing layers just before they went home for the weekend is a move. They won’t return for another day or two and they could spend even more time deliberating as they always like to act slow.
If you were monitoring arugal then you would have seen there were queues while the server was layered. Granted that was during the gong event but it should have given you some idea that “delayering” arugal was a really stupid idea.
Back to to 5 hour queues a day later.