All Raids Awakened

that is exactly what happened which is what Brewa has been saying but no one wants to believe them for some reason lol

i mean last time when everything became fated alot of people disliked it. the affex’s were annoying and farming jailer mounts was cringe.

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What point? I wasn’t in a conversation with anyone here. I linked information that was reported by Wowhead. I didn’t reply to you. I didn’t reply to anyone.

If you can’t comprehend that “here’s info that was reported by a website” is just simply that… sounds like a you problem.

You’re the only one here confused.


Like a bronze farm they didn’t want people to do perhaps?

so you come into a post and share something that is incorrect information and get upset when someone points it out. okay thats all i need to know

Or people using LFG to group up cross-faction. That was apparently a burning issue that needed fixing.

Do we know it’s incorrect?

The only one bent out of shape here is you.

Once more, this is all I said:

Maybe calm down. Have a better day.


given current circumstances it seems incorrect

Yeah not uncommon around here. Less common than just confidently being wrong and never backing down. But common enough.

I found Awakened to be entirely inoffensive all things considered. Would I like to have this system return? No. But given that it’s here, I’m not too miffed with how tuning of the raids have been; we’ve been clearing quite easily.

Maybe. Either that or a bug. Without any comment from Blizz, we’re all stuck in limbo.

Its definitely better than fated that is for sure. Having the extra affixes to deal with was a pain and lots of time had horrible synergy with the actual fight lol.

That’s what I’m doing. I’m grabbing the Amirdrassil head enchant for what it’ll be worth for a few months. I thought I’d have to wait 3 weeks to finish the collection quest. If I can do it today that’d be pretty nice.

Hell yes. Every week.

They removed the post. Then never said what they were going to do, which is why people have been wondering. It’s all been left in the dark, but now we know.

(And everyone I know is happy with this direction.)

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Oh I know they are. I’m one of them lol the ? can be misleading though my apologies.

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I miss the affix stuff that gave you superpowers

Ahh, yes. Now I understand.

I find this hard to believe. Whenever I’ve tried to run the non-Awakened raids, the premade group raid finder has always been empty, and LFR takes literally all day to pop. Very few people run them.

Everyone I know is also happy with this direction.


yes guilds are doing non awakened M fryakk for ez birds and it should stay this way