All Raids Awakened

Y’all are really enjoying this “Tell the players youre doing one thing but then do the opposite” thing aren’t you?


You originally announced that they would all be Awakened starting on Week 7, screenshots exist of this so you can’t claim you never said it, and you never communicated that that aspect of the schedule had changed. Many guilds made plans based on this information, and now suddenly you reveal that things changed weeks or even months ago without players being told until now!?

I just don’t get it, you guys claimed you were trying to fix the communication issues WoW has had for years, and you actually seemed to be doing a pretty good job of it during DF Seasons 1-3, but Season 4 has just been back to business as usual.


This just seems super lazy. Might as well read “The two interns we have working on the actual game couldn’t figure it out so this will have to wait until the actual devs are working on it.” It is amazing how lazy blizzard has gotten with their lies.

They outright said week 7+ everything would be awakened.

They edited their post like wowhead doesn’t have their history.


This is NOT what was said previously.

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They did add this to the post. The patch notes weren’t updated to reflect it and they could have clarified more, but this post made no mention of all raids being awakened so it left some ambiguity.

Neat, did you also decide “nevermind” on those much needed Enh buffs? Cuz they’re definitely not here either.

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Posting 1 schedule, doing something else entirely. Okay then. Done with season 4 completely. Because guild I raid with only needs H Fyrakk for the Awakened title, and I have 0 desire to raid any other raid since we already beat them on Heroic.

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there was no ambiguity… you can check on wowhead about the original post, they clearly said “week 4” all raids unlocked on awakened"

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It was all over the place and since the internet is forever the gaslighting isn’t working here.


As Fyrakk would say…

Struggling to determine who this benefits except mythic raiding guilds. Add in a toggle for Awakened if they really are dead-set on finishing mount farms.


CE guilds have been asking for this since Fated in season 4 of Shadowlands, but Blizzard constantly refused to do it.


Yeah, and it’s puzzling since we know they had at least some capability to modify it (based on the Fated affix toggles in the back half of SL s4). They can do this thing that benefits 100% of raiders and instead…don’t. It doesn’t have to be a “them or us” situation until they make it so.


Yeah I’m not sure how some of these people can ride Blizz sooo hard they even defend them when there’s proof.

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Because people relied on wowhead over blizzard for information. blizzard updated their info and wowhead didn’t.

Blizzard didn’t clarify. It’s on Blizzard, not wowhead.

The wording they used when they announced the change was “Awakened raids will rotate weekly, instead of every two weeks.” This didn’t specify that they were changing their plans for week 7 onwards, just weeks 1-6.


Blizzard didn’t update the info, they just removed it, leaving no info. :sob:

All they had to do was take what was posted today “this continues until pre-patch” and put it on the original post when they removed the initial (erroneous) information.


Bro, stop.

Blizzard rightly deserves blame on this one. Keep the disdain directed where it belongs. It’s not on other players here.


They didn’t specify anything about week 7 at all which made me think it wouldn’t have a different rotation than the first 6.

I do agree it was very badly communicated but the information has been there since it was changed.