I agree, extending race/class combo was a mistake, remove priest from gnome like it should be.
Apart from drawing it in crayon for you and adding pictures, I cannot see how I can make it any simpler.
Paladins hunt undead. Paladins embody the Light.
The only compromise I could see are Shadow Knights: warriors who who use the Void in place of the light. That would give VE another option because paladins make even less sense for that race than UD… But at least it is feasible.
Again, I blame the writers and developers. The holy demon was stupid. This UD paladin NPC is also stupid.
And mechagnome priests. Makes no sense.
Undead paladins and mechagnome druids are two other bad ideas that look cool in a “what if” scenario, but not in a practical application.
Blizzard mage a huge mistake with LFD deathknights.
It’s neat that you think this, but I have objective evidence to the contrary.
No amount of crayons will make you right.
I don’t know. I used to draw real pretty pictures…
Try to imagine retrieving a hot dog from a campfire. It would hurt like hell to the point it probably isn’t worth it. This is what it’s like as an UD using holy spells, which is why they mostly shadow heal. An UD priest is only holy spec for gameplay reasons, when they really should be only shadow and arguably disc spec.
I’ve always had the idea that they could rip off swtor i think it was. Instead of have Draenei “warlocks”(cause i agree they would never do that) have “Inquisitors”. Kinda like a super aggro version of a priest.
Dots based on repenting sins and holy flames, bolts of light for destro and demo would summon holy spirits. The “demons” would be spirits of light(imp could be a little naaru like thing that shoots bolts of light) and have an overall light based theme. Both classes would just be the same with different coats of paint. Races that wouldn’t like being a lock could be Inquisitors instead, keeping with lore while giving classes to them. So “chaos bolt” and “sunlight spear” would be longish cast time nukes that spend 2 shards with different looks.
Only issues that come to mind would be people in pvp crying that they didn’t know the holy caster with pets casting a nuke into them wasn’t a priest somehow and figuring out how spell schools would work. Not to many around now but stuff like mage’s shadow dmg reduction pvp talent would either not work(because Inquisitor would do holy dmg) or they would just count it as shadow dmg(so both locks would interact with the talent the same). That and it would take a bit of work for the visuals and animations and such.
If you don’t like it then don’t play as one. Let people play what they want
Race culture matters. But aren’t Zandalari Paladins culturally different from Silver Hand’s, Vindicators and Sunwalkers? They have their own themes, regardless of being the same class gameplay wise.
If they can achieve that there, why can’t they make it for other classes?
thinking about it shouldnt the furries all be able to be druids anyways and when i say furrie im refering to both pandaran and vulpera pandaran forms mentioned above would be awsome the celestials are a big part of the pandarans so makes sense and vulpera just make cat styled druid forms and call it a day ultimatly i aprove of all race all class
The Burning Legion has been stopped. Aman’thul declared Sargeras’ crusade finished. There is zero reason for anyone, regardless of race, to submit to the horrific, often fatal transition into a Demon Hunter.
The Burning Crusade is over, but that doesn’t mean that the Burning Legion isn’t a thread. We saw this in Shadowlands, where the Dreadlords were revealed to have more fingers in the cosmic pie then anyone could have possibly guessed. Plus people all over Azeroth had their lives destroyed during the Burning Crusade’s most recent attack during Legion; anyone whose lives were ruined during Legion, who have nothing else to live for except to ensure that every last Dreadlord is hunted down and extinguished, could have the motivation needed to become a Demon Hunter.
Just because Sargares is jailed doesn’t mean the Hunt is over.
Please Blizzard, don’t do it!
I fear the day when every race can become every class for a simple reason: Everyone will change their race to Human or Blood Elves. You will see less race identities for more available classes.
This actually isn’t a very good argument. Here’s why:
- Blood Elves can be 1. Death Knights, 2. Demon Hunters, 3. Hunters, 4. Mages, 5. Monks, 6. Paladins, 7. Priests, 8. Rogues, 9. Warlocks, and 9. Warriors. The only classes they can’t play are Druids, Evokers, and Shaman.
- Humans can be 1. Death Knights, 2. Hunters, 3. Mages, 4. Monks, 5. Paladins, 6. Priests, 7. Rogues, 8. Warlocks, and 9. Warriors. The only classes they can’t play are Demon Hunters, Druids, Evokers, and Shaman.
In other words, it’s a small number of classes you can’t play using these races. Since Blood Elves and Humans already dominate the scene (so much so that Blizzard made dracthyr visage forms based on blood elves and humans), it’s very unlikely that you’d see the number of blood elves or humans substantially increase—they can already be everything, so they’re already a majority. Rather, what you might see are people who are forced to play blood elves because they’re only one of three Horde races who can be paladins try something new or different. But more likely you wouldn’t see any change at all, and at some point we need to address the fact that one of the reasons that elves are so much more popular than everyone else is that they get comparatively more lore than everyone else.
Agreed. There are some classes that were opened up that made sense eg: hunters for everyone. and soon monks for everyone etc. But Nigh Elf and Void Elf Paladins or Orc Demon Hunters? Just no. I like the fact that WOW isn’t like other games in that aspect. That’s what makes these races and classes unique.
i know there are plenty of other people who care about the flawless lore and stuff… >_>
but honestly OP you didnt even need to explain it…
Maybe Im of a different generation but its really strange that I cannot pick the race I wish to play. Like others in this thread, sometimes its the ONLY race you will play.
Why lock that behind annoying time and quest gates, and even lore for that matter. Why!?
EDIT: spelling
This thread yearns for the 404…
I support all races having all classes, had they said this around vanilla through WotLK I would have said no, but consider this, wouldn’t it be possible during cata for shamans to train more people to be shamans? Why cant NE be shaman they surround themselves with nature anyways? Nature and elements kind of go hand and hand.
With 2 expansions surrounding the burning legion, would it not be possible that every race have a few divert to warlock for power?
But the biggest point is that for almost 20 years we’ve played on factions that have had all these classes and are trying to defeat the opposing faction for that purpose alone you could justify other races picking up classes they normally wouldn’t have.
The game ultimately is about the player and their experience going and saving Azeroth time and time again. This is the narrative point, why shouldnt the player be able to be a rare vulpera druid who was gifted with an affinity for nature from birth? Or an Orc Paladin, or NE shaman etc.? Honestly dont even understand at this point why people are obsessed with Lore they already threw it in the trash and lit it on fire. If opening up classes makes the play experience better for people, just do it.
It’s not even “a different generation.” Dungeons & Dragons hasn’t had race-locked classes since 3.5 Edition, which came out over 20 years ago. There’s a good chance that the majority of the people posting in this thread that restrictions are good haven’t even grown up with said restrictions in place.
Most of them, frankly, don’t make sense. Our characters exist in a world where the factions that their people are a part of work so closely together that it breaks verisimilitude to assume that cultural exchange doesn’t happen. The idea that an orc couldn’t grow up worshiping An’she or the loa is laughable considering how tauren and trolls have had a major presence in Orgrimmar for 18 years over the span of World of Warcraft itself. According to the lore, expansions come out in real-time + 3 years to account for the Dragonflight time skip, so an orc who was born in Classic is 18 years old now and has spent their entire life around trolls and tauren, and most of their childhood around blood elves and goblins. And that’s ignoring the fact that the people in World of Warcraft are people, and therefore capable of picking up new skills and abilities later on in life. The notion that, “This isn’t THEIR culture so they could never have this,” fundamentally misunderstands how people interact with one another.
This is true but usual tabletop/p&p RPGs don’t have much lore behind in the game master’s game. It’s a vehicle to have some serious or wacky adventures where the characters shine rather the culture or story.
WoW is more build around the having “all” of it, where your character gets to life through questlines. Making every class available takes away some of the magic (Human/Blood Elf druids, Void Paladin Elves, …)
If they can explain it in the story, then I don’t see an issue. But I’m not really a fan of giving humans and belves everything because they are already the most-played race(s).