All Races, All Classes

As controversial this is, I’d love one day to see no restrictions, I’m a huge RPG fan in the sense id love to play a character and class that means a lot to me. I hate that I have to either select the race I like or class I prefer if they don’t match up…

Let me create my own character I prefer.


Hell no. Keep wow unique please.


I agree with OP, great post btw!


Stop pushing this crap, it’s being spammed at least once a week now. At this point, this type of thread should be an instant ban.

Stop using Freywinn as an argument. He wasn’t a druid, he used arcane magic to pervert nature for his own goals.

Draenei and Lightforged are the least fitting races to ever get warlocks. They absolutely should not have one of the things that separate them from the man’ari. And no, light warlocks will not be a thing because Blizzard will not reskin entire classes just to have them make sense for specific races despite what people here and on MMO-Champion keep insisting.

Giving void elves any other classes would require butchering those classes thematically. There will be no void paladins just as there will be no light warlocks, mentioned above.

Like I’ve said, if you want a game that bent its own lore into a pretzel to remove class restrictions, SWTOR is right over there.


Not only that, but their back story makes the Draenei (and by default the Lightforged) diametrically opposed to being Warlocks and everything they stand for.

Lore absolutely matters in a game like WoW.

I say they should go play Skyrim or other Elder Scrolls games if they want to be everything at once.


But what about Blood Elf Shamans, did we all forget about the NPC Elementalist Starion the first Blood Elf Shaman… in game, in lore.

He didn’t use Arcane or all that mumbo jumbo to reach the elements…

Soo if this is Ingame, and with lore… why can’t I be one?

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Because he was the only one and is dead now.


It’s you… LORE! My arch nemesis in game and in forums it seems! Haha

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Not reading all that nonsense, but no. It’s stupid. Tauren warlock makes no sense.


My point is, if one could do it why not others?, it’s clearly not against lore to say we should have Blood Elf Shamans.

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I’m quoting established lore. Take it up with the writers and developers for the last 16+ years…

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No, there are some races that physically can’t be certain classes. There are some classes that simply don’t mesh with a races culture. The Draenei would never allow warlocks in their ranks, they ran from Argus to get away from Fel infused Draenei. There were no fel infused/using Draenei aboard the Exodar.

Show me a Forsaken/Undead that willingly uses paladin abilities. The examples people keep recycling hate what they are doing and are in constant pain.

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I just dont like it. I like the differences.

I say go for it at this point, let players have the option should they so desire. Don’t like it, that is fine, not everyone has to. Doesn’t happen, then oh well, wont lose sleep over it either.


You are quoting what you think is the established lore.

But since I have already shown you several times that the exact opposite is true, what you think is wrong.

No, you’ve shown me one example which according to the history of the game has been a mistake.

“The souls of the undead (Forsaken, PC death knights, ghouls, etc.) are imperfectly attached to their bodies; the dark magic that sustains them is a buffer that prevents their souls from properly joining with their bodies. This is why undead feel only faint sensations of pain or discomfort from most physical stimuli, and why the Light is so painful to their existence. …”-Wowpedia. This was based on a blue article from 2012.

" The undead are former mortals who have died and become trapped between life and death. For the undead wielding the Light requires such a great deal of willpower that it is exceedingly rare, especially since it is self-destructive. When undead channel the Light, it feels (to them) as if their entire bodies are being consumed in righteous fire." --WoWWiki

Undead. Paladins. Do. Not. Work.

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I agree, but this would require a new shadow themed spec for Paladin to justify it, Void Knight or something like that. This would also justify Forsaken Paladins as well, as they would all canonically be of the new Shadow variety tog all specs would be available to players for gameplay purposes, just like how all Forsaken Priests were originally supposed to be Shadow but players could still use Holy and Disc.


Undead. Paladins. Already. Exist.

You. Are. Wrong.

Most modern games are also thoughtless garbage.

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Yes they do.