All Races, All Classes

Priests can access the light, but it hurts them. That’s why UD healers are disc with shadow heals. A paladin in filled with light… No such thing as a zombie paladin – it’s dumb and people really need to stop asking for this.

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No one is asking for something new. They are already there. People just want to play them.


Sir Zeliek is a undead paladin.

The point is undeads can use the light, but they feel pain, it does not actually physically damage then, but it does cause pain, thats why they would need a big faith and mental strength, but it is possible.

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No it doesn’t. You’re just looking at it wrong. Putting on an Argent Crusade tabard does not make you a paladin.

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No thank you.


I’d enjoy playing a Pandaren Warlock. Just Pandaren everything.


I’ve been saying this for years, now!

All races should be able to choose any class.

Forsaken could have cool, undead druid forms… or even Drust forms.

Forsaken paladins of Lorderon (duh).

Forsaken shaman with bone totems.


No, but using paladin spells and abilities does.

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This is either an oversight or a bug because it strongly disagrees with established lore.

The Light causes a great deal of pain for the undead. This is established lore. Priests with great willpower can tap into the Light, but at great cost. Dark magic is keeping the undead alive, this is why the Light causes great pain.

An undead paladin would be in great pain ALL THE TIME to the point they would be driven mad.

It doesn’t work just because you think it’s cool. And it’s not because zombies are lame…


What is 2007? The game WoW started in 2004, and every class was restricted to certain races. What changed in 2007?

Why should WoW imitate other games that are much less successful than WoW?

I agree that it is possible that WoW might want to follow this trend – but only after making sure that this difference is NOT one of the reasons WoW is more successful. If it isn’t, it might be a good idea.



Lore still matters.


No, lore is still important in this game


As much as I would love to play a gnome druid or a tauren demon hunter, or any of these other fun class-race combos, if you take away the restrictions, there will be a lot less identity and uniqueness I feel. Sure it would be fun for a while, maybe the first couple levels, but I know it would be goofy for a lot of the combos after a few minutes of playing.

Nice post.

Though I’m not in favor of it all I do think we should have a system for any race/class(/ possibly even faction):

  • after achieving 15k account wide achievement points you can create a character of any race class.

  • one per account.

  • druids and demon hunters excluded due to the inherent difficulty of adding separate forms for every one.

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Aww thank you.


I think a system like this would be really cool, or maybe like a prestige kind of system.

Like say you get a gnome, nelf, nightborne or whatever kind of priest to max level, you could then prestige him into a paladin, you would get sent back to level 1 just as a paladin. Of course you wouldn’t be able to be one with a race-change or boost.

I think that would be neat :smiley:

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It’s an old concept.
It’s not outdated.

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Well I think a true class change of a character would probably break their software but it would thematically make more sense to have a character change rather than allowing the creation of the new combo from level 1.

But I think having the same character level all the way up again would suck especially for quest continuity and general lore, if they already did all that it wouldn’t make sense.

Now if a new character popped up, say a worgen interested in learn g shamanism? Why not.

That’s an excellent point about redoing quests, so what if it was at level 50 you could prestige, and if you chromie timed through wod, you wouldnt be able to chromie time through wod again on your second time around. Just some food for thought, never gonna happen anyway :p.

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What it is is you being wrong about how the light works.

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