All physical classes doing negative dmg

No, he did. We all know who you q with to rating, cov has called you on it too. Hush.

Any reasonable xpac and you’d get laughed off forums for it, but we’re different people now so you get to have a pass

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Yeah, it’s right there in my seramate for those who didn’t bump into me. :dracthyr_love_animated:

Oh my bad, it was Kamron & Graril, two people who have had glad since wod and another two that are remi level when backpacking players to rating.

But there’s still points where you did q with Remi, on both your main and alt fury warrior (because it wasn’t op enough, you needed 500 games on two of them combined to inch over a glad title with players far beyond your skill level).


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All you had to do was tell people that you were Legend on Devastation and they’d have lined up.

Idk, I see Remi in those queue sessions, and his healer. All of those people have also been 3k+ in shuffle… not you tho. The highest you’ve been is 2600.

Remi has also been 3400 in shuffle?!? Holy crap nice going Remi, you’re a legend!

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3400 on Protection would be a rough go.

Why is Remi in both your main and alt fury warrior qs? 500 games with players of that caliber to barely scrape a glad @ 2400 alone isn’t interesting.

Having that be the case & you be talking about other people’s games played when you’d take as many if not more without the help of those players is… pretty hilarious.

Swole would achieve a barely glad title too if he played with Remi & co. Most people would. Stop parading around with an ego because you q prot and get backpacked, ty.

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No need to constantly swap chars just for me

And I played with a lot of people on my alt Warrs

Oh you actually are just that inept.

No you played with Remi & Co (insert other people above your rating) and used it to ladder. Who are you trying to save face for?

You would not have any of the titles you have without being Dmachine’d to it.

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There’s always next season, I’m sure there’ll be another assa/dev or something

Sure, whatever works Dmachine 2.0

Kennie <people call me out and I have no defense so I say they’re swole so I can dodge having to admit I’m a self play with an ego> the legend!

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Would you mind if I also posted with an alt to agree with myself on

Kennie being purposefully obtuse to continue dodging the question

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All I did was joke about it buying a boost in unchained thing it’s not that deep.

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And all that happened after was you getting correctly called out for being a self play with an ego.

It’s not that deep.

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Oh, do you think I’m being serious about the title thing

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No, stop trying to shift the topic.

You’re a self play with an ego. That is all. The continuous dodging of it only gets funnier every time.


Is this a bit

Ty for confirming

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Imagine beefing about wow pvp.