the only people who suffer to fws were locks and sp mental. Gorilla brained is crazy going the meta spec is gorilla brain mentality. Every person who swapped meta spec are one in the same it’s a hive mind of people who are mid. taking out evey sp/warlock player from their season goals was a great time for ret/war/fws i hope it happens again.
did you just suggest healing normally that’s unholy why heal when you can heal with your fists.
Gross, the second easiest comp to play beating the easiest comp to play. Just monkeys in a ring flinging poo at each other.
War dam is so low they might as well be healing with their attacks
saw some warriors cooking up something in elwynn yesterday with fury the burst with deathwish is insane.
sp/lock is ret war but better reverse that sentence and it was even easier to play ssn 4.
Deathwish doesn’t really count. Anything is good with a constant 50% buff
i mean Considering we lost our slow from bs and ravager gonna most likely be running it anyway for the funs. outside of interchanging it for safeguard/battle trance or disarm. outside of that we do no dmg tho WHY Do i hit with a pool noodle on arms these armor changes rn are hurting my soul
Storm of destruction still slows
Well ya, splay is easiest comp to play and ret/war was #2. Both just toxic comps to play against unless you countered them.
fury doesn’t have it anymore. of course when we finally get bladestorm too.
I hate/love the comp I mainly ran turbo till I started getting serious and ran ret/war/fw it was night and day difference. Only thing we really lost to was classes with extreme mobility mainly double evoker comps with a dh. Can’t hit dh cause blur is op and both evokers are just flying away with 3 immunities’ to stuns while dh glimpses and if you stun one a evoker grips him away.
That’s wild because turbo was good to, it required a good enhance though I guess while ret/war/fw can just all drool on keyboards.
Also we hate dragons unless they on our team!
that’s why i stopped playing it people in lfg wasn’t cutting in on the hance.
Fair, we hate lfg.
thank god i don’t have to use it anymore.
I’m not sure if you were attempting to imply that I re-rolled a meta spec or not… In case you are… I have been PvPing as Affliction for YEARS… even when it was the most paper-mache class/spec out there. I don’t re-roll meta, its a laughable way to chase something.
I’m talking about people who swapped the meta spec I have no clue if you did but again playing affy or assa during that time period I feel no remorse for people who got bullied by the fw teams. i just saw you were affy.
Swole was right there.
I think i was above swole on like 3 different alts when it came to 3’s. i was helping friends get glad wins in.
also how do i get the purple recolor of the dk set from icc jesus(nvm i found it)