All of this could have been so easily avoided

Lmao most us just assumed it wouldnt be rewarded to LFR because unless its specifically stated as an LFR reward why would you assume that? The mode is a joke.


Until December. I already pre-ordered DF (which I kinda regret at the moment). Nothing was added to the game for casuals this season, and you could argue that there was going to be but they removed it. So, why hang around and pay for it? And I’m certainly not buying WoW tokens for cat carries if that’s what they were hoping.


A daily hub? And a bad one at that. A stale bad one at that.

Except it’s not.

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i think its more as jaded folks we just accept anything and everything even if we dont agree with it.

As a solution, I agree with the opinion of it being the best option to give the mount to LFR, but also giving an additional cool reward to normal raiding.

Naw. LFR is no challenge. Step into Normal. Normal rewards 278 gear and is trivial for even a 270 geared raid.


A daily hub that had the potential of giving you normal raid ilvl worth of gear. They dropped the ball when they didn’t update it for season 4 though.

If it stuck to LFR it would have been just another mount true, but a mount MANY would have seen the value in resubbing for, and in turn good for the game. So what I take from this is you want the game to fail. :slight_smile: I mean I guess…stick to your guns.


Once determination gets high enough it’s like having god mode on.

They basically remove the ability for you to fail. Just like enabling cheat codes, hence, no reward.

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What would actually be good for the game is if players got over their dumb fears and did the content instead of expecting to be rewarded for doing brain dead content.

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Well they had to change it to normal only, cuz of all the outrage from the playerbase about it being available in LFR!

Wait what? There was hardly any? Oh never mind


how so? please eli5

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You can call it raiding… I mean, “raid” is in the acronym. I used “real” raiding to differentiate it from anything that requires effort. My bad. It WAS created for exactly what the guy that you disagreed with said it was created for. Tourist mode. You disagreed. I just corrected you that that was why it was made.

OK… its raiding. You win! :grin:

HAH could you imagine this patch notes and what rage it would bring :

  • Like m+ reduces ilvl if you don’t time, now LFR Determination Stacks have direct correlation to the quality of gear that drops.
  • edit : to prevent people from leaving after they get determination stack, we’ve made it so that you’re locked to that boss the second you engage it.

We’d need popcorn. Lots of it.


But said godmode is inconsequential. You’re a god in the easiest mode with the worst gear.

What be actually good for the game is for people to stop looking down on their fellow player for playing a mode that they prefer.

Also, normal could be the easiest mode on the planet but it’s still not as consistent as looking for raid. When I am guaranteed to get into a group for small segments of content that I choose regardless of my gear, covenant, talents, legendaries, spec, etc without having to deal with the, frankly, extremely toxic player base let me know

Until then LFR will be content I do.


Wouldn’t it be interesting to see what the supposed “elitists” did if there was not a sea of posts in GD complaining about this?
It honestly looks like most of it is response to the massive amount of threads, not “crowing about winning vs. casuals” or whatever.

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This fails to take into account people who have disabilities who would be a detriment to a normal raid. Do they not deserve rewards? What about people whose schedule keeps them from being able to commit to a scheduled raid, who can’t sit at a keyboard for 3 hour stretches, but can weave in an hour for a wing here and there. A lot of people like to chalk LFR up to ‘laziness’, but there are a lot of mitigating factors. And, honestly, even if there weren’t…if people enjoy doing LFR, who cares? Why shouldn’t they be eligible for a throwaway mount?


Add slime cat back into LFR. Stop being trash blizz.


It fosters grouping. Instead of making excuses and telling yourself “i cant do this for xyz” actually try to do it. Once again normal is extremely easy this tier. Once you get a nice group its easy to stay and play.


Fair enough. I hope DF brings some fun to everyone. I dont get into raiding or much group content myself. I’m looking forward to experiencing the new areas and trying my hand at “dragon flying” although im skeptical that aspect is going to hold my interest very far beyond trying it out. take care.