All of the realms are full

You are obviously not reading the stuff I am reading. Current wisdom seems to be that ranged dps/healers will not need FR gear at all, before Rags at least.

I think drop off will be far less than expected. Less than 1/2 million players have signed up so far, and I think the vast majority of them have Private Server or Vanilla experience so they know exactly what they are in for.

Difficulty is why players are joining Classic, not why they quit. I think Classic is a far better long term casual type MMO, because players can be confident that they will have time to slowly work through content and their hard won progress it isn’t going to be trashed by more content, before they get through it.

I also think it fills a true RPG niche in that area that isn’t filled by any other MMO.


I’d bet money they will add more than just 4 servers tomorrow. Probably at least 4 more on top of those. I’m pretty sure they have a bunch in the wings ready to pull back the curtains on.

Yes, but we all knew that from the beginning.

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i just seriously doubt that.

vastly so


Ah excuse me not all of them are full. Correct facts please.

Making the toons isn’t so bad. That’s just db storage. Since you can only play one toon at a time per a single account, the issue truly is (as you know) how nuts things will get when all those unique accounts attempt playing all at once.

There is a real concern regarding the unknown number of people that will quit playing in the short term.

Blizz is going to dance between waiting for the fallout of natural attrition vs. spinning up new servers to deal with the influx of accounts attempting to play.

Blizz doesn’t want to add new servers if people are expected to jump ship quick.

Anyway. Yeah. That turned into a bit of a rant on my part.

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The average player took 13hrs played on Nostalrius, thats 312 hours. If u can play 10 hrs a week thats 30 weeks which is more than 7 months. Lets say an average player play 20 hrs a week which will be 3.5 almost 4 months. Depending on ur defenition of average but id be shocked to think that thry wuld play more than 20hrs a week. Thats a lot of time required to get to 60.

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The achievement of getting to 60 and getting through MC will be exactly the same in a year. They will still have the same challenge as the first guild to clear MC.

Although it will take them “a long time” the game will not change, and will not go anywhere. That time investment will retain it’s value. They can play the game at their own pace. I think you are looking at a positive and seeing a negative.

A casual can get to 60 in 12 days played, and even though it took them 7 months, get a sense of achievement out of being an above average player.

I didnt comment on it being positive or negative coz thats subjective. Just gave some estimates on how long it culd take an averagr player to reach 60. I think the person i replied to said sonethibg like 2 months being the average time which i think is still a bit hopeful and too short.

true, my fault

since our eu forum is full of bfa trolls (its insane, if u post anything positiv about classic/vanilla, be ready to get bashed from all sides) i wanted to post it here^^ also i have the feeling that the devs give a crap about the eu forum so i try it here now :smiley:

pls let me stay! the community here is 100times better :DD


If this is based on name reservation only
then you are saying basically that everyone who said “yes” will in fact come to the party, and that never happens

no they arent, i looked just 30 sec ago.

Hey don’t reply to this guy and give him attention. This was his first ever post on that toon and he obviously made the toon just to try and troll people to rile us up. (look at the name and check his low level) He knew his post would anger people and that is exactly why he did it.

Except that one time everyone did show up. Crazy stuff.

Classic needs to kill retail population but only so blizz is forced to improve retail.

My goodness - you went back to Vanguard. But a few know the name, my friend.

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Even blizzard expects a steep drop off.

it would be amazing if they revamped retail

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10 full
3 high
1 med
New servers inc.