All of my Dalaran Defender gear just dissapeared from Warband Bank

Items bought with Residual Memories are missing from my Warband bank, and the MANY I had in bags are all soulbound now. Days worth of gaming are missing its rewards.

That on the main and original EU-WoW account on this btag with some game time left. Toons all on Silvermoon-EU: Nuggina (holds more than 200k RM worth of them!), Grønni, Schmaybe, Rïkke and Surï. I have some items on this posting account also, but currently no gametime and on a toon higher than lvl 20, so can’t check. But likely it’s the same situation.

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Also have this problem.

Yeah, I’m not touching mine. This is a similar issue with the guild bank, as well. Which I’ve pulled everything left and locked it down so no one can deposit.

It’s making the beginning of the expansion very frustrating to not be able to pool our mats together for who needs them.

And also frustrating that I have to wait to use my own freakin’ bank until they can fix things.

Same. All of my warbound gear from the memory event are gone. :frowning:
Maybe 20 pieces or so. Don’t remember for sure. Guess I’ll have to start taking periodic screenshots of my banked stuff so I have proof. Such b.s.

( Laughs uncomfortably in guild master. )

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Same. :point_down:

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Here’s an update, everyone.


This is good advice and makes a lot of sense from a development / coding standpoint. Some people said their items disappeared from the bank when they logged out and back in or switched characters . . . I’m not positive (because I was doing many things), but i believe mine disappeared when I used the warbank ‘cleanup’ button to resort my items. . . so the items both disappeared and the empty slots were replaced with other bank items in one go.

So I may have already overwritten mine in that moment even though I haven’t touched the bank since. =(

I am waiting and hoping there is some resolution. I didn’t have full sets, but I had probably 20 + items / weapons I was saving for alts.

Blizzard released a statement 2 hours ago that it will be fixed with the next scheduled maintenance this week.

Same here. Almost half a bank tab of gear just gone now. Glad to know that all the time I spent on the super boring pre-patch to grind for gear for my alts was pointless and a waste of time.

Apparently wait for tomorrow after maintenance. They are trying to fix it. We’ll see how it goes.

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This has now been fixed. The items are back in my Warbank.
However there’s a new bug - you can’t upgrade the items in Valdrakken anymore (may be after I’ve used the Catalyst) despite having the currency and there not being a message on the items saying “can no longer be upgraded” that you would expect to see if this was intentional?

I’m pretty sure this is intentional. The bug would be that you still have the upgrade currency. I though they’d removed it when TWW launched.

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anyone else suspect that the missing dalaran gear that was restored this morning potentially poofed other items that were int hose spots ?

Restored? I haven’t gotten any of it back.