All of my Dalaran Defender gear just dissapeared from Warband Bank

All of the Dalaran Defender gear I’d squirreled away in my warband bank for alts to eventually use also disappeared. Dozens of empty bank spots.


same here very disapointed as this was my alts gear i was saving up…also my guild bank is still broken how many weeks now…


same here. absolute lunacy to just be deleting items from players like that.


Same here. About 10x pieces vanished out of thin air


Same issue. A number of items gone from warbank

all of mine is gone too. i had a lot saved up for my alts. what a waste of time that was. guess next world event like this, i’ll get my mounts/pets/toys then peace out.


The fact that zero communication went out about this is unacceptable. I bought a lot of Dalaran Defender gear of all armor types to equip on alts to gather transmogs. Now with all of the gear gone, I can’t do that anymore.

A lot of disappointments regarding communication the last few weeks. I wish I could say I expect more from Blizzard.


Same. Since you didn’t get the appearance until equipped… there are sets I had in bank but now cant complete because my alts didn’t wear them yet :frowning:

Yes you did. The appearances were learned from either equipping the item, destroying the item, or waiting for the refund timer to expire.

I notice this happened exactly when the main launch happened. Went to deposit the items in the warbank… and they’re all soulbound. I sold all the items back to vendor, bar the 3 mogs I hadn’t yet learnt, but she’s already fully equipped with DD items. I had literally just finished transferring ALL the currency to one alt to do the buying (so I can’t transfer it back, as you have to HAVE some currency in order to transfer it).

Any Blue post on whether this is a bug or intended, and when the vendor will disappear (as if it’s intended I’ll buy her some bags with some of the 45K of currency she’s stuck with) would be very much appreciated!

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Over on the EU side, they’ve acknowledged that it’s a genuine issue: [Blizzard Support - Radiant Echoes Gear Has Become Soulbound (] ( eu. battle. net/support/en/article/000364025 with the spaces removed, as I’m unable to post links)

Common Problems

* The 480 gear in my warbank is soulbound now

  • The gear I got from the Radiant Echoes event has disappeared from my warbank
  • The Dalaran Defender gear I had is not Warbound anymore

We have received several reports of this issue and are investigating it. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided.

If you discover a new issue, please submit a new [Bug report].

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During prepatch, I used the warbank to put warband items in to trade between my gearing toons and geared over 30 toons with the Radiant Echoes runs. Some items were extra that I kept in my first page warbank tab for leveling 60s after the expansion hit. I also had weapons for my off spec there still. I had 42 level 480 weapons and 31 pieces of level 480 armor and put a lot of personal time into acquiring all of these. They were there when I started doing my 3 day early expansion access created by paying even more money for those benefits.

At early access, I swapped to leveling Tayva, my main character, for War WithIn. On the first day of full release I discovered that all of my radiant echoes warbound armor and weapons were missing: 73 items. If you look at the first page of my warbank, you can see (and count) the slots they disappeared from. (Tayva-Silver Hand). I was saving those for my 60s. If I went to the public bank and could even find 480s at level 70, they would be running between 5k to 20k gold each. With 73 missing pieces, that is a lot of game gold. Timing is everything when selling or buying stuff. 10k x 73 slots total is 730,000 gold: that’s what it would cost me to buy those 480 ilvl items for my new level 70s.

I opened a ticket and was told they can’t replace it, that I need to open a bug ticket. You and I both know this does nothing for me. It simply helps you prioritize and find your bugs. I just want you to know how painful this is for a paying playing customer who has paid for a subscription pretty much non-stop since 2007. I don’t mind mistakes. I hate it when a company won’t make it right.

Near as I can tell, the minute you went live with the full expansion, these warbound items converted to soulbound in a bank that will not hold soulbound and thus just deleted them. Well, bug solved for you.

I bought 3 warband bank tabs to hold warband items. The 4th tab was too expensive (500,000k give me that and the mount and call it even). I bought the expensive upgrade for the game.

I spent an incredible amount of time grinding the same stuff for the entire prepatch to earn the gear and didn’t even buy the mount. As I said, I want you to understand how painful these mistakes are.


I tried to save some for if i level an earthen and can start Tww with decent gear. gone.

Also had all my Dalaran Defender gear go poof from my Warband Bank as of launch.

This is very disappointing. I had purchased weapons for their appearances and they are just gone now.

Same thing here. I was logged in when the expansion lanched, and noticed that as soon as 3 P.M PDT hit the clock, the event was auto-cancelled and all of the pre-patch gear that was not equipped become soulbound, even the ones inside the warbank. And when I tried to sort the items on the warbank all of the pre-patch gear that was there (Now soulbound) were gone.

All of mine disappeared, but I remember when I added them to the Warband Bank that my addon told me the appearance was learned. I would have to look up each individual item, but I see that most of them seem to still be in my appearances. Don’t get me wrong, I want my items back for my characters, but I don’t think you lost the appearance if you put it in the Warband Bank and now it disappeared out of it.

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Will have to look… don’t remember getting notifications from All The Things though. It usually plays a sound when something new is learned.

Still waiting on this being fixed. If you want me to continue leveling now after you make the game harder for level 70s just coming in… then fix the gear we all gathered for our alts to help.


Blizzard mentioned in the EU forums that the items are still in the warband bank but just not visible. If this is true, I wouldn’t use the warband bank until this problem is fixed to not accidentally overwrite the non-visible items with new items.