All of my 480 Gear missing from Warband Bank?

I spent weeks collecting 480 Gear from the Pre-Patch and placing it in the Warband Bank for my Alts, now it’s all gone???


looks like mine is missing as too

yep it was DELETED. or just made soulbound i forgot which,

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I didn’t have many pieces, but I hope it’s a bug, because I did not get the memo. >.<

It was another case of “fun detected”.

Both. When I hovered over it the first time I accessed the bank after TWW EA was live, it was soulbound, and the icons were greyed out. Then next time I looked in the bank, they were gone.

Yeah, mine’s missing too. Just empty slots where the few pieces I had used to be.

I know some people that didn’t have early access spent the weekend farming the Radiant Echoes gear for their alts. To sit out the launch of the game due to paid early access and then to have the things you worked for that entire time immediately deleted has got to feel worse than salt in a wound. It’s gotta be more like sulfuric acid in a wound.

Part of me wonders if it was a knee-jerk decision to prevent more players from trivializing the early leveling experience in the expansion by overgearing it, which would be the most hamfisted and counterproductive solution I’ve yet seen from Blizzard.

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The powers that be are working on it i believe.

Personally my bank was untouched… dont know why, but the pre patch gear in my warband bank is there and all accessible to any member of my warband.

Proof, I suppose, that it is a bug and not intended.

I’m sure they’ll get to it in a few weeks. Right now the whole team is busy making sure that leveling will now be harder and it’s gotta be done by tomorrow.

Of all of the feedback given that is the one that takes priority over everything else.

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Gotta make sure the people that didn’t pay for early access don’t get the same 6 days of quicker leveling that people who started last week had?

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Same, it’s all gone. Basically worked for nothing to get hit with a garbage leveling squash tomorrow.

Same happened to me

Did…anybody lose gold? :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

My guild bank was completely empty, and it was mostly full between DF stuff and some tabs of old mats and stuff. Only I had access, and no withdrawl logs.
Haven’t looked at warbank yet, but I’m wagering it’s probably empty now too.

Good thing they’re going to make leveling harder instead of fixing this mess.

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Same happened to me. Blizzard detected fun. Blizzard deleted fun.

Days of grinding echoes, lol. Had three sets disappear :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Lesson learned: Avoid warbank. Avoid events.

It’s their way of saying “Hey guys, told you we listen to feedback.” ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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This was why I leveled all my alts, bought all the 480 stuff then converted it to lfr tier.

Blizzard commented on this. Will be fixed with maintenance.



Yay, makes me happy. I really wanted to use my new DK to farm with, and the purples made me look forward to it more. I didn’t buy the expansion, because frankly, I need to watch my budget for the next couple of months, so all I have is the old content for awhile, and I want to make the best of it.