All of my 480 Gear missing from Warband Bank?

Early Access was a bonus to buying EPIC Edition, not a paid extra, and all my Dalaran Defenders Gear in my Warbank is gone too.

That’s a good marketing spin, lol. I wonder where else that might apply.

not whatever your trying to say.

The price was exactly the same as previous epic editions that did not have a bonus of early access.

This is simple logic.

Just because you’re outraged about it does NOT make it a paid access.

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Well just because you are ok with paying more, doesn’t make early access a bonus.

People were talking about it yesterday I believe? Still haven’t bought thewawi…and after checking my bank, probably won’t do so now either. Bug or not, this was absolutely shortbussed.

No one paid “more”
This is what makes it even more hilarious that so many are QQ about it

It was a racket. Starting the expansion at the same time for everyone was standard for 20 years. Then they took it away and sold it back. If you didn’t pay up you didn’t return to the status quo, which is generally required in a valid free market dynamic, but were instead subjected to spoilers, mockery, missed opportunities, and now missed leveling time.

True, you didn’t “gain” much by paying for early access. But that’s because a racket is about paying to avoid negative outcomes that have been created by the seller to pressure people into accepting deals they otherwise don’t want.

That’s literally exactly what it means.