All my characters gone

I always look to support blizzard I love WoW. But seriously blizzard how do you expect people to be loyal when you drop the ball like this? Logged in, got realm list prompt, found my realm (kel’thuzad) and guess what… All my chars gone, checked my other realm and all those are gone as well. I just want to play the game i spent countless hours building my chars on and pay monthly for. This makes me not even want to get SL if its gonna be more of this… Please blizzard fix this.


Same issue here.

I’ve only gotten in once, and now wish I never logged out.

I heard they have refunds in the Wrath pre-patch for time lost, after two days of this, I think the same should be done now.


Its the usual craziness after a truly major game revamp. All will be fine by tomorrow or the next day. Well not all but I expect our characters to be back none the worse for a short holiday.


I’m missing my realm and all my characters. None of them are showing up .


same as yesterday, just log in your main server and wait for chars to load, you’ll get character not found when trying to get in tho xD


I don’t understand how this continues to happen for 16 years now…


I dont understand how you dont understand. its been happening for 16 years now


Sorry, I don’t understand Human… Zug Zug

Let me put this in terms even an orc can understand. GAME NO WORK, I FIND OTHER GAME TO PLAY WHILE WAIT

Jobs done!

Work is da poop

Same, its times like this I wish their was an actual wowkiller, so we wouldn’t have to put with blizzard


Yup, same issues here

For me, it shows no character count on any realm. Selecting my realm I just get a black screen


Lol I know man, its just blizzard has been lackluster the past expansions (WoD and bfa for example) and they are going to lose their last loyal customers. Billion dollar company, cant afford the quantity/quality of servers to be able to play, which charges me $30 to change my faction. Lmao.


Count me in!!

I had the same issue. But figured out where my realm is in the list of realms, then managed to get my toon list to appear by just waiting.

Finding your realm in the long a$$ list:
The list of realms are listed alphabetically by Column B FIRST (full/high/new players/etc), and SECOND by Column A (realm name). So i had to scroll down to the “Full” servers to find mine alphabetically (Aggramar).

So now that you see your realm/server, double click that. Then you’ll go in and sit there for probably a good 2-3 minutes or more, and then your toons just appear.

Now I’m stuck getting an error “Character Not Found” when I try to log in one of my toons. So I wait… >.<


Since moving to Texas in January, I pay even more now as Blizzard charges tax on my monthly sub. It didn’t back in Missouri. Sure it’s only something like $1.69 month more, but that adds up. I was taxed on my SL purchase too.

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It’s not just that all characters are gone, its that you aren’t really connected to the login service. I have the same problem but even on any realm it won’t allow me to even create a toon. So I have no toons, can create no toons - its a larger problem.

Note that if I try to login straight (not using it asks for the authenticator - but the authenticator is broken (thinks there is no internet). So I bet the issue is with the authenticator breaking and WoW has a security problem, locking us out.


i feel you man. At this point Ill make them a gofundme and contribute so they can pay for some damn servers

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