All my characters can’t fly in remix

I played on a trial account and reached level 20 with a bunch of characters. Up to level 20 everything is fine, but when I reach level 20 I lose fast flights. The flight bar just doesn’t appear like before and I can only fly slowly. I thought it was a trial version error, but I bought a subscription on 2 accounts and everything is the same. After 20 it is impossible to fly. There is no switch button in the collection tab and nothing can be changed in the spell menu either. It tells me that flight spells have already been added to some other rack, but nothing is there.

TBC flying is available at level 20 on low speed flying and highest speed at level 30.

Level 20 Riding:
Level 30 Riding:

The problem is the remix. You can fly there immediately from level 10.

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Yes, the changes messed up with remix

Do you mean you no longer have access to Skyriding? Have you tried using the toggle function?

There is no such function. From level 10 to 20, the default was fast flight and when calling birds the bottom panel was replaced with fast flights, now it does not appear and the default is slow flight

Okay. There’s Skyriding and Steady Flying.

Skyriding has the abilities like Surge Forward.

Steady Flying has none of that.

So you’re saying you had Skyriding up until level 20 and then lost it? And that in your mount journal, at the top, there is no button to switch between the two?

Let me check the Bug Reports forum for you.

Edit: Yep! There it is:

So it is a bug. You may want to add your voice to that thread.

Very thanks!

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? The button to switch in remix was the same for me as retail. Mount tab at the very top.

It defaults you into skyriding, which if you don’t have it means you can’t fly. You drag the spell down from the thing to your bar, cast it once, fly as normal

So mount tab → top middle - tiny drop down - Drag the spell

The problem disappeared after the first character leveled up to level 70. But this is very strange. You can fly from 10 to 20. You cannot fly from 20 to 70.

Hopefully they get that bug fixed, because that’s insanely frustrating. I’m sorry. :frowning: