All Monks Need to Yell for Changes

Yea that’s true… how about this, what if the aura applied a 1-2 minute windwalking buff that just got reapplied upon re-entering the aura radius. This would make staying in range still a mechanic but mitigates it significantly and wouldn’t punish you for dipping in and out.

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Well that’s good I still think just giving it to the whole raid is better especially for after some people die and released and have to run back.

Still yelling nothing is happening :frowning:


Remember Chi-ji! We cannot lose hope!

I am a Monk! I am Yelling for Changes!


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All specs! but particularly Mistweaver and Wind Walker.

*Also, Please buff MW damage and mana issues while your there! And consider brining back Eminence. Monks are supposed to punch and kick. Even the nice healy ones. Especially the nice healy ones.


It’s my money and I need it now

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Here Fitty Cent doe to hold 'til tomorrow. I got’chu dawg.

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Also regarding RoP it had use in mythic Nzoth on the little adds. Since the raid needs to stack when using the heart (the sanity restore is AoE in mythic but only one use per player) and when the little adds die they have timed explosion which chunks your sanity. The adds also cast a sanity drain radial AoE and using RoP to interrupt is very useful.

Hence in my post regarding WW changes, one of my recommendations is baseline RoP.

Baseline RoP would be great for all 3 specs, we don’t take anything else on that row really. Except for Brewmaster it occasionally competes with ox statue, but 90% of the time RoP is just better.

They could replace it with something like…oh, idk, that inner ring azerite trait that added a slow to leg sweep or something. Or work one of the finesse conduits into a talent in that spot, like the DR on leg sweep conduit or the lingering numbness paralysis conduit.

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Could add a ST stun there, move good karma to inner strength, make inner strength baseline, and maybe a (for every X chi you spend leg sweep’s cd is reduced by X).
That way defensive talents will all be on the defensive row and then the other is a choice for ccs.

Bring back strike of the windlord baseline and add back MoP zen med.
Those are what I would love to see for WW.

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I keep forgetting good karma’s on that row for WW…and I think that’s even what I’m talented into in WW spec. Oops.

RoP is arguably one of the iconic monk abilities. You ask any random person to name 5 monk abilities off the top of their head and RoP is almost a guarantee to be on the list. It’s as iconic as PW:S to priests, so not moving it baseline after spouting the line about “class fantasy” feels terrible.

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I felt good karma should have been baseline myself, as well.

It’s funny my friend tried ww on beta and was like this feels incomplete. Makes me sad

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What part is incomplete?

like he couldn’t out his finger on it. He has played almost every class to at or near the 3k io range, and WW was never his best but he said it just felt like it was lacking in the we have always called the “flow”

It feels exactly like live. That is how I feel at least. Although RSK is a lil weak.

i think he means in comparison to other specs in the unpruning, he was like “where was their unpruning?”

Hmmm unpruning. I didn’t notice anything major tbh. Even MW doesn’t feel a whole lot diff. And if anything BRM was pruned more.

If no1 said there was an unpruning I wouldn’t of noticed lol. I would of only noticed TOD is different I guess.

I think the “bringing of the abilities back” is more of a gimmick tbh.

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Idk but me buying slands might not happen, because its WW or bust for me.

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I can understand that. Let’s hope the expac works out.

I also have other hobbies like mount collecting so if raid isn’t great I can do other things.