All Monks Need to Yell for Changes

What did you use it for on the fights i asked about?

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Hive can be used to keep the darters from running away

Ilg can use on the mc and to keep blood off targets.

First part of carapace those adds can get unruly at just the start and I have used it to keep off people while tanks pick them up.
Third part because ignore adds burn boss if you get a second wave.

Vex if you don’t have a dk (which my grp didn’t always) force moving them and a pseudo kick was pretty useful.

Well if you gotta use it you gotta use it.

I’ve never used it on Hivemind because my group will just use a DK to pull and we stun / killed them.

Ilgy like i said could be cause of the MC. Bloods didn’t even do anything because we had 2 fire mages with ignite cleave.

You never used it on Cara. Not even in the third phase. Why would you keep the adds from the ignite cleave?? You would never use it there. 100% sure that is false. Even on mythic Cara adds didn’t mean anything.

Vex maybe with the knockback for grouping/kicking. But in reality we just had our DH group them / stun and AOE’d everything instantly.

Hey if you gotta use it go for it.

because not everyone tries to be method. Some of us don’t even watch guide videos, I don’t even have dbm and haven’t since wod.

Like you understand this is a video game and it’s meant to be fun, I wonder if yall are even having any.

I don’t have DBM as well. Most raids have a fire mage. Its common sense to use the massive OP fire mage to do everything. This is the viability i keep telling you about. Why use the WW when we can abuse firemage and destro lock.

No joke the last 2 fights in Mythic Nya are built around fire mages.

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We didn’t have one and pretty sure that’s not why they are only on 8/12

maybe ur 8/12 because your guild broke? Just a guess. Most guilds quit 8.3. Mine quit for most of 8.3 because of corruption / valorent.

Im only 3/12 when they started getting into mythic my work load got too much to be playing more than 3-4 hours a week and they do 2 3hr raid nights.
But they are still plugging along and trying

I can understand that.

Believe me when I say fire mage is god mode. Literally everything in the game is being designed around how insanely OP they are. There is a reason we used fire mage in our kills. I would be willing to bet 90+% of the guilds who killed Mythic Nzoth used a fire mage to cheese the fight.

I understand that, I pvp mainly and mastery stack mages have been a meme there, but everyone going off cutting edge has hurt us in the past as a class and that’s something I rather avoid.

Would you be mad if we deleted SEF?

i would rather get 5.2 sef

Could you cancel macro that sef? I don’t remember 5.2 sef

5.2 was when it was added and then it’s current iteration is post legion.

You controlled how you split you could split once or twice. However it was perfectly useless in ST and too many monks were casting it single target not reading that it only copied attacks on target you weren’t directly hitting. They last until the mob died or the clone did, cost 20 energy.

I say 5.2 because during 5.2-5.3 if you had at least one clone active you could transfer with it

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I imagine that would be interesting in 3’s

it was good about keeping healers from going to drink and rogues from stealthing around corners. My favorite was its interaction with transcendence transfer

I’ve said this in another post but an easy fix for WW monks in the utility department would be:

  • Give them an activate for the windwalking passive that clears slows, snares and immobilisation effects for all affected allies and makes them immune for 2 seconds. 5min cd.

  • Bring back Zen meditation baseline, redirects the next 5 spells targeted at allies and reduces the damage by 80%, last 4 seconds, 3 min cd.

  • Maybe make windwalking passive 15% and have it stack with other movement bonuses.


And make the passive affect the raid not just allies that are close enough to the ww

They could achieve this by just increasing the aura radius, this way you still have to be within a reasonable distance. 20 yards radius, I wouldn’t go more than 40. Beyond that and it might be a bit too much.

Idk about that I always end up way in front when I actually go into raids at least if there is a stretch where there arnt groups of enemies to stop for.