All Items deleted form MoP Remix char

Just logged in on my dwarf shaman, and every single item, armor, and even my bags were gone.

Check your email and your battlenet login history for signs of your account being compromised. If it wasn’t, then maybe they removed ill-earned gains from people abusing exploits or doing RMT things.

Wouldn’t surprise me if they started cracking down on all the people that exploited the frogs and then went on to solo raid bosses with 3-5m dps.

Its not a hack, and the shaman was lvl 25, just did her this morning
and its only this one char

Ahh, well that’s far more strange then. And you’re sure it wasn’t a case of “my little brother got on my character when I went to make food” or something like that?

i have no family, i am alone
ok real talk yes im sure plus i think i saw other ppl posting the same issue

There are probably at least a hundred thousand people playing it though, if not far more. Seeing a few one-off posts about it doesn’t mean it’s a widespread issue and could simply mean that you and those few others are sharing or doing something in common.

I’ll check around a little to see, but I suggest you submit a ticket about it. It’s possible they are doing some kind of rolling live maintenance on the databases or something, to correct things like exploits, maybe try logging back in in an hour or two?

i cant submit a ticket, the moment i type item it sends me to item restro, which only works on the crap i scrapped, so this is my only way to really contact support about this

Yeah the CS reps don’t usually know what the dev team is actually doing, but I’m sure they will get things sorted out soon. Still banking on them correcting the exploited gains that a lot of players abused (not OP with their level 25 character lol), so it’s likely some kind of rolling database maintenance thing.

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