All i'm asking for is a little respect. This is outrageous to deal with as an RP'er

I never asked to be mixed with non-rp realms. When i picked my server there was no questions, you either Roleplay-pvp on this server or you dont play on this server. And now i’m getting reported and blasted to mars by groups because they dont understand what an RP server is and what the rules are.

So what if i chose Kyrian for my Feral. It’s the only covenant that made sense since my Feral has embraced the light and shuns Nature. Angel Kitty i can really get into that for Shadowlands. I was hyped. I don’t cast nature spells. If it’s got a nature lockout, it’s not on my bars. This is how i like to play. I’m not a bad player, i’ve done countless mythic7s on my Feral for gear, im 207 ilvl.

Today my key was destroyed. Invited a healer from KT server. Worst community by far but he had a good raiderio. Doing a Hall+9 and healer gets one shot standing to close to the enraged bears. Asks me to Rez and i say i can’t but the graveyard is close so np. Without even asking why, they leave group and hearth out with no chance for me to explain. Dead key. Probably the 3rd or 4th time i’ve had something similar like this happen already in SL’s.

I dont get it. I literally feel robbed. If we’re offered a roleplaying server then why can we enjoy the game too? I’m not saying everyone is terrible, in BFA i came across a Ret pally that did Ragnaros rp. The whole instance he was yelling Ragnaros lines and it was probably my favorite dungeon run in all of BFA. Give us a chance.


group finder is cross realm


Bravado’s daily troll thread, move along.


Rodney Dangerfield is that you?

Ya get no respect, no respect at all?


Play as Alliance on Boulderfist, all you will get is a little respect…

Get gooooooood.

I think you just like to be outraged.


You know how you just walk in through the front door to do m+? You don’t have to use group finder. In fact, if you are RPing, how are you explaining dungeon crawling with randoms?

Stop pugging, get a static group who you know both ic’ly and ooc’ly, and stop wasting non-rp’ers time and keys.


What does your key failure have to do with being on an RP realm? I can’t even…


RP as someone with a backbone then.


I don’t understand the problem here. Are you saying the person left because he didn’t like that you were on an RP server?

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LMFAOOOO I dead took him serious before reading this reply, was even about to ask him how he plays druid with out nature spells. :joy:

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Okay I’ll bite.

If you want to RP in dungeons, form groups only with people from your server that want to RP with you. Don’t use LFG.

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Or RP guild it.

On my MM hunter I like to have the lonewolf RP thing going. So much a loner even animals won’t befriend me lol.

However…a ferocity pet is in stock in case I need to put it out and lust. Random group wants it, group can get it.

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I RP as a monk that is an amputee and have no arms. So I actually removed all fists related attacks out of my action bar. Some say that WoW is not a hard game at all. I disagree



thanks for the laugh man.

If you roleplay full time, it won’t matter if you choose a covenant that is inoptimal for other content. If you want to do PvE or PvP, you have to choose. That’s a choice that was deliberately built into the system, so there would be no one great choice and 2 clearly bad in all cases.

It’s always been that way on RP servers where if you want to do other content it may impact your RP options.

are you for real?

I’d leave your keys too if you refused to rez for such a stupid reason

oh is this his schtick?



Don’t RPers normally stick with other RPers? Why not just try and get an RP healer?

Pretty nice troll here. Say, I dunno, 6/10?

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