All I want for Christmas is.................................BOOOOOONNNN!

First I’d like to say all the recent changes have been amazing - we got dual spec, we got no debuff limit, we got instant mail…, just amazing, I hate to ask for more but, yeah, I’m going to ask for more

Please pretty please, Blizzard overlords, here is my classic Christmas list, I’ve been a good boy except those barrens chats when I was drunk

Ahem, here goes:

  • Chronoboon for silver at a normal vendor
  • Activate meeting stones at dungeon entrances
  • More flight paths travel paths that were added later
  • Faction transfer once server populations balance out and population decay inevitably happens
  • Since we have dual spec can we cheapen respec costs for classic Andys?

Ok I don’t want to get greedy, but everyone has to have a Christmas list, here is mine, thank you drive through!!!


Why say this? You don’t seem to dislike asking for more at all.

Anyway, I’m not for any changes personally, but that’s why I don’t play anniversary realms. Not a fan of the direction they’re taking it, nor of the community that likes changes to classic, so having said that, I have no problems with any changes happening, and good luck to you!

Here’s my thoughts on what you’re asking for:

Meh. Could make things cheaper, sure. Easier = easier.

Meeting stones are activated, but you mean change them to be Retail summoning stones. That’ll happen come TBC, but this is a huge reason not to play Classic, imo. If you don’t like this, you don’t like Classic (in my opinion). It’s one of the major parts of the flavor of Vanilla.

Same as above. More Retail that detracts from the world experience, imo. Yes, running through the world yet again is part of the Classic experience, and a major part of it.

I’ve never been a fan of server transfers even. Faction transfers are worse, imo. These are the type of antifeatures that make the game worse all around. It’s a very nice immediate gratification fix when you’re in a pinch, but it becomes a permanent fixture of the game, and that’s exactly what makes fresh turn into stale, along with all the catchup mechanics pushing people to end-game as quickly as possible to get the last bites before it’s time to move on.

More reduced pricing. If I say, “Why not just remove all vendor fees. Make everything free.” does that seem hyperbolic? Is there an “Oh obviously that’s going to far.” moment or does it make sense to just remove all fees?

Sure you do. What’s the benefit in pretending to hide it? Anyway, good luck with your changes. Maybe they will all come true for the anniversary realms!



give a mouse a cookie and he asks for a napkin… :expressionless:


give a pig a pancake…

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Don’t buy an epic mount and you save enough gold for 90 chronoboons. That’ll last you until the Dark Portal opens.

This is why “no changes” was so necessary.

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but it didn’t happen, and was necessary

dont forget barbershop

All I want for Christmas is an RP realm.


Doesn’t seem like this iteration is for you. Have you tried retail, sounds more your speed

For a sneak peak into what this post will likely devolve into, see my post: Do we need a divorce?

It always comes back to #NoChanges vs #SomeChanges. An epic fight for the ages

Second. RP when??