All hunters should be equally good in AOE, and here is my Proposal Blizzard Staff for Survival Hunter

I love playing games, that will be my job in the future, and more than playing i love creating, blizzard inspired me to be a game developer as Softnyx as well. And if there is something i dont like is a game not balanced, i mean, i´ve watched the entire Mythic + event and there was only 4 classes.
Tank: Warrior
Healer: Monk
DPS: hunter,DH,DK.
This game have more classes to play with, lot of them, but, due to the lack of balance, i as a player who was to be entertained, watching every class do their best, and its not possible, i mean Blizzard, you spended time creating a bunch of classes, in order to have variety (this is the prime point of the matter) and that time shouldnt not be wasted like this, i as a future game developer cant allow that to happen to my game.

All this said, i want to say how i feel real quick, with 0 drama as a Survival Hunter in this expantion:

Damage AOE as BeastMaster: 400k+ (9-10 mobs)
Damage AOE as Unholy: 600k+ (9-10Mobs (It can even be 2Million)
Damage AOE as Retribution: 500k+ (9-10 mobs)
Damage AOE as Fire: 400k+ (9-10 mobs)
Damage AOE as Survival: 150k (9-10 mobs (with TD))

This is the reason of wich i cant not be invited in high Keys, the mayority of classes, can do monster AOE and also decent single target, so as a player who enjoys playing surv, im obligated to change ? This makes me feel sad and impotence, because i love Survival.
So i cant enjoy playing higher keys due this matter. So here is a proposal to change that, all i want is you (Blizzard Staff) to think about this and have some empathy for your players who loves playing your game and also the players who feels frustated by this injustice.

Change 3 things to make this Class Balanced in AOE and not affecting the single Target so much, just a tip.

  1. Latent Poison: From 10 Stacks to 5 (Doing the same amount of damage) and (if possible) for Each trait apply an stack (this means, if i shoot serpent sting the target gets 3 stacks (if i have 3 traits of latent poison)

  2. Let Carve detonate the latent poison as well, that would give this skill meaning (i never use it, is not worth)

  3. Change the second talent, instead of 3 targets, make it a chain reaction to hit 5 mobs and if there is a mob affected by sting, the poison jumps to another one who doesnt have it

  4. Optional: Make it a Poison bomb, all the targets in 10 yards will be affected by serpent sting every 5 seconds after using serpent sting

  5. Optional: Make it a Rain of poison, fire arrows to the sky with poison and they rain in a zone of 10-20 yards, doing x damage and applying serpent sting to every target in the zone for 3-5 seconds

3)Optional: Spray of Poison, fire in a cone arrows poisoned, causing every enemy to be affected by serpent sting.

All this talents of course will be affected by the first Talent (Vipers Venom)

As a plus, in the mayority of RPG games, Poison and fire causes BOOM (As you know and you did in Wildfire infusion (Last hunter talent)) but, it would be awesome if:

Wildfire bomb: For every enemy affected by Serpent Sting, explode in poison causing damage to nearby enemies. (this is massive AOE combined)

All this changes, would make surv hunter very DECENT in AOE, and a balanced class (im speaking for the class i like).

I send my grettings Blizzard and i hope you can read this post, it would be the best day of my life if you consider this, i love creating, and developing games, thats my porpuse in life and i hope i can help.

Sorry for my English, im working on it.

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I don’t think that all specs should be equal in ability. It’s ok if one spec does a bit more single target damage than another spec, and for the latter spec to therefore do better cleave and AoE, while the third spec may not do quite as much damage in either category but be more versatile by having higher mobility and therefore more consistent uptime.

If all specs of a class, or even all classes, just did effectively identical DPS in all areas of the game (single target, AoE, cleave, flight phases, mobile phases, target swapping, burst phases, etc.), then that would make the game boring. I’m ok with certain classes/specs pulling ahead in straight single target encounters, while the classes/specs that are behind top the charts in AoE phases, or pull ahead in cleave encounters, or can get off more DPS during flight or mobile phases. That makes the game more interesting, and makes each class and spec feel more special. Sure it might mean that the top players in the world will stack certain classes, bringing in different classes for each boss. But that is much better than every class being nearly identical and them just stacking one class/spec for the entire raid because their DPS numbers are marginally higher than those of the others due to slightly better scaling or slightly imbalanced number tuning.

Hello Spinner, i understand your point, and i know what you mean, i dont want every class to do the same amount of dps single/aoe, thats not my point, my point is, classes such as Feral Druid, Survival Hunter, Shadow Priest, Arcane Mage (Even frost), not beign as usefull as their “MAIN” spec. My point is: Every class should be usefull in AOE, in single, or Both, survival is pretty decent in Single, but AOE is a mess, so whats my job doing 20+ ? just an hindrance for my team. And i dont want to change to BM to please the system. This game have Specs, wich all should be Useful, i want to feel that im doing something big for my team, instead of just dpsing single target, makes no sense pall, classes doing a bestial amount of damage and doing 100k+ overall, while i can do 70-80k with luck. All i want is balance, to feel im playing something USEFUL (THAT I LIKE), and not playing something designed to do the best damage (wich I DONT LIKE).
A game is like eating food Spinner, you ask for your food the way you like it, not the way the restaurant like it. You may order something from the house, but you´re not obligated to like it, you can ask for you favorite and go there to eat that and you cant deny that fact.

I completely understand. If SV really is under-performing then it needs buffs. Its current fantasy would more befit a single target focus with high uptime, partially through the use of ranged abilities. In that sense its damage should be buffed.

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Support me <3 and thanks for understanding

This design looks fun and reminds me a bit of the old RSV’s Serpent Spread (not entirely the same thing. But it reminds me of it).

However, I’m a little concerned that it’s too much poison; that’s kinda the rogue’s territory.

While you DID include bombs and fire arrows in your suggestions, I think you might would be more liable to get support if you change out a few of these poison-based suggestions for more bleeds.

Historically, Hunters have had poisons and fire and bleeds. But the trick, IMO, is treading the line in the sand. Too much, and we turn into rogues. :slightly_smiling_face:

Watermist, greetings, im happy that my idea gives you fun :smiley:, i feel what you mean, the fact that a hunter like this, it can be like a assa rogue.

Im working with blizz tools, i mean, i can design more ideas, from Butchery or Granades or combining them all to enhance the Aoe Damage. The poison one, was one of many tools this hunter can work with, but uniting, bleeding, poison and explotions, at least 2 traits needs to be added or modified.

Example: For each stack of butchery spended, increases its damage 50% (with a maximun of 4 charges (200% damage) also Shrapnel Bomb: Causes carve/butchery to bleed for 9secs stacks up to 3 times (each stack doing 50% of the damage from butchery)

this would increased dramatically the damage and we´re speaking of bleeding

Another example: Each time you hit with butchery, lends a debuff to the target called: Weak Spot (Wich can stack 4 times)

Weak Spot: Causes Chakrams to hit 150% of the damage (duration: 10 seconds)

And Surv can use Chakrams (wich is an useless talent never used)

And like those two examples, i have tons of ideas to improve this class.

Its a matter of develop and loving to do it.

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I like these ideas! :slight_smile:

All Classes including Survival Hunters can do M+15s.

https: //www.
com/zone /rankings /20#class=Hunter&spec=Survival

I have 2097 IO My friend

And i dont doubt that fact, but i dont want to do 15+, i want to be the best in the world as a survival doing 25+ and as a survival hunter i cant.

There are these Flavor of the Month Classes on each period. Sorry Melee Survival is not the Flavor on BFA. BM was out of the flavor for awhile. But 8.3 is BM’s time to shine.

You will have your time. But I dont know if melee Survival would become popular. Up to now, I still feel my hatred on melee. And there are many Hunters like me still feel the same way.

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Well Jhannae, this “preference” of month needs to stop.
Its unfair to tell the player what to play, it makes no sense to me, there are a lot of classes to enjoy and be confortable with, and i repeat myself, this “weel” needs to be stopped and also stop favoritism of classes, thats an absurd way to think.

How about this instead?


Hate to break it to you but the reason u deal such low dmg isnt a class issue. I also dont know where u got those sims from but even in my on optimized m+ set i sim 300k on 9 targets with only battleshout.

Obv survival probably wont be able to do 26/25 keys but everything under that should easily be possible.

Hi Juhmk, i suggest you to try that in a run and not in a bot-page, it will never be the same, also you´re using wildfire bomb trait (wich does nothing but 2% (thats nothing)) idk where all those numbers came from. Look i saw your profile and you obviously use the best trait for dungeons (latent poison) and for some reason u dont use wildfire as you show in the simulation and also what you mean with “isnt a class issue”? I know how to use my class very well, i´ve tryed everything to upgrade the damage and hitting 300k is impossible, not even with TD proc. the mayority of pulls in a mythic plus is 5-10 (rarely 15) and doing amounts above 200k is not possible, the only way to do this is if TD procs 6 times in less than 10 seconds, because with 2 wildfires is not possible, i want you to try a run and screenshot the moment you do 200k+ in any pull (with at least 30 seconds of duration) i´ve running LOT of dungeons, and not even in Shrine of Storm with the oozes i can rise those numbers even with TD procs.

Well, it affects me. I am suppose to play a Class with 3 specs to choose from. I was with a Range Hunter for a long time playing 3 different range flavors. Then one expansion came, took 1 specs away by making it melee limiting me to only play 2 range specs left. I want to try the 3rd spec, the melee spec but I have no freaking Melee Weapon… making it even hard for me to try it. I really feel Melee doesnt really belong to Hunter Class.

How would Survival move forward when a greater part of Hunter population still hates it? I am suppose to support you on your Survival Proposal as we should be on the same team. But instead, I dont care anything about Survival melee specs since I dont like its playstyle on the first place. Instead, I want my 3rd Range specs back.

First of all, thanks for supporting me, even with all you just said, and i totally understand how you feel, i´ve always liked this kind of class, and having the oportunity to play it, is just a dream ALMOST made true. I feel that you cant use ranged weapons, but what happens with Warriors? Shamans, monks? Druids? Lot of classes need different weapons for their spec. Its cool that blizz changed this class (Survival) but the thing i dont like is that is not entirely good as others. Once again, thanks <3