I love playing games, that will be my job in the future, and more than playing i love creating, blizzard inspired me to be a game developer as Softnyx as well. And if there is something i dont like is a game not balanced, i mean, i´ve watched the entire Mythic + event and there was only 4 classes.
Tank: Warrior
Healer: Monk
DPS: hunter,DH,DK.
This game have more classes to play with, lot of them, but, due to the lack of balance, i as a player who was to be entertained, watching every class do their best, and its not possible, i mean Blizzard, you spended time creating a bunch of classes, in order to have variety (this is the prime point of the matter) and that time shouldnt not be wasted like this, i as a future game developer cant allow that to happen to my game.
All this said, i want to say how i feel real quick, with 0 drama as a Survival Hunter in this expantion:
Damage AOE as BeastMaster: 400k+ (9-10 mobs)
Damage AOE as Unholy: 600k+ (9-10Mobs (It can even be 2Million)
Damage AOE as Retribution: 500k+ (9-10 mobs)
Damage AOE as Fire: 400k+ (9-10 mobs)
Damage AOE as Survival: 150k (9-10 mobs (with TD))
This is the reason of wich i cant not be invited in high Keys, the mayority of classes, can do monster AOE and also decent single target, so as a player who enjoys playing surv, im obligated to change ? This makes me feel sad and impotence, because i love Survival.
So i cant enjoy playing higher keys due this matter. So here is a proposal to change that, all i want is you (Blizzard Staff) to think about this and have some empathy for your players who loves playing your game and also the players who feels frustated by this injustice.
Change 3 things to make this Class Balanced in AOE and not affecting the single Target so much, just a tip.
Latent Poison: From 10 Stacks to 5 (Doing the same amount of damage) and (if possible) for Each trait apply an stack (this means, if i shoot serpent sting the target gets 3 stacks (if i have 3 traits of latent poison)
Let Carve detonate the latent poison as well, that would give this skill meaning (i never use it, is not worth)
Change the second talent, instead of 3 targets, make it a chain reaction to hit 5 mobs and if there is a mob affected by sting, the poison jumps to another one who doesnt have it
Optional: Make it a Poison bomb, all the targets in 10 yards will be affected by serpent sting every 5 seconds after using serpent sting
Optional: Make it a Rain of poison, fire arrows to the sky with poison and they rain in a zone of 10-20 yards, doing x damage and applying serpent sting to every target in the zone for 3-5 seconds
3)Optional: Spray of Poison, fire in a cone arrows poisoned, causing every enemy to be affected by serpent sting.
All this talents of course will be affected by the first Talent (Vipers Venom)
As a plus, in the mayority of RPG games, Poison and fire causes BOOM (As you know and you did in Wildfire infusion (Last hunter talent)) but, it would be awesome if:
Wildfire bomb: For every enemy affected by Serpent Sting, explode in poison causing damage to nearby enemies. (this is massive AOE combined)
All this changes, would make surv hunter very DECENT in AOE, and a balanced class (im speaking for the class i like).
I send my grettings Blizzard and i hope you can read this post, it would be the best day of my life if you consider this, i love creating, and developing games, thats my porpuse in life and i hope i can help.
Sorry for my English, im working on it.