All hail Azshara

You think you do…and you do.

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Without Azshara NZoth is just god of no one he played to our hand. She gained his power and still rules as a queen.

At the end of this Azshara and Sylvanas will tag team and we shall defeat NZoth!

:octopus: belongs to queen Azshara.

Azshara is my queen and new waifu. Together we will rule the depths and beyond.

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and i’ll be waiting for you with a giant deep fryer and some lemon juice :drooling_face:



Umm. No?

She’s gonna die, like all the others.

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So what’s going to happen to those of us that kept the eyeball on the forehead :sweat_smile:

Hail to the Queen of Seafood.

If you grow tentacles you’ll end up on a calamari platter. We’re taking a page from the real world here, if you want something dead to the point of extinction you need to eat it, and we want the tentacled ones dead to extinction. :plate_with_cutlery:

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Stop trying to eat us! Gnomes = food, Tauren = food if you are an Orc, Rock = food.

:octopus: = friend

When my beautiful hair are tentacles like my queen I will slap you in the face with it! :angry:

Hehe this one doesnt know, he’s not aware of our master plan and end game. Its ok he will understand.

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Gnomes are high in LDL, Tauren have too much saturated fat! everyone knows a mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest! and a staple of that is delicious calamari

You have three eyes and yet still are clearly bloody blind.

I need more context before volunteering for said tentacaling, go on…

Imagine your manly dwarven beard but instead of lucious locks it will be tentacles! Like Davy Jones!

Hey just for clarification, I didnt accept NZoths gift! Okay?! Mainly because I havent done that quest yet… But still my alliegence only lies with our queen! No one else!

That doesn’t change the fact your still blind as a bat, Come on seriously?

I just realised ‘Juuhachigou’ is ancient elven for ‘tasty fried calamari’ :thinking:

Believe in the end game. Believe ~☆

N-No… shush who told you that??! S-Stop bully. :sob:


:3 :sunglasses:

Maybe we get lucky and Azshara and Sylanas will fight each other an both die I say that’s a win-win for THE NEW HORDE (undeads not allowed)

Your also blind as to what I’m saying your blind about… geeze.