All hail Azshara

Instead of my lucious locks!? WHAAA??? You do realize that this type of speech toward a dwarf is near blasphemy.

You get a pass for providing witty entertainment though.

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I’m disappointed we only get one. She has like 5 eyeballs on her crown !

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Now I feel like you are just trying to make fun of my eyes, which Ill have you know are burning with passion.

That would be the dream. Indeed. Playable naga when??

Of course he’s a god of no one. The Void is nothing. All Old Gods are about feeding their hunger and consumption. I think that N’zoth has Azshara’s style nailed down and knows exactly how to play to her vanity, which is ironically a trait she shares with Sylvanas.

Besides him being a Old God, riddle me this.

What has N’zoth really done against us?

-Yogg Saron corrupted the Nightmare, all N’zoth did was take over management.
-N’zoth was ‘signing Deathwing’s paychecks’ again for a reason we don’t know.
-N’zoth fought against Yogg Saron and C’thun in the olden days.
-N’zoth’s Naga fought with Illidan against the Legion.

If Blizzard is clever, I’d find it ironic if there was a truth that changed EVERYTHING, and framed maybe the Titans as being the ones in the wrong, and the Old Gods as the ones in the right. Now that would be something that made me go.


Truth is, we don’t know N’zoth’s goals or agendas. We know he wants out of prison in the worst possible way, and he created the Curse of Flesh for some reason to corrupt (or improve) the Titans creations. Until we know more about him, he’s still very much a nebulous entity. I hope the revelations come with Azshara’s defeat.

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That sounds stupid.

Old Gods exist to be murdered.

There is no secret “Ooh, the pantheon are the bad guys”

I swear people will come up with any reason to try to side with the clear embodiments of evil.

If you want to hold hands King Anduin and Baine are waiting for you~

Meanwhile we shall all praise Queen Azshara and wash away the corruption that filth’s this earth. :octopus:

I feel like my hair could use more tentacles :octopus:


Let’s let the Cos Players decide… show of hands…

All those for Lady Sylvanas…

Okay, now show of hands, all those for Queen A?


No thanks.

Azshara’s pretty hot :laughing:

yassss qu33n

Azshara, Queen of the Depths and “perhaps the most powerful mage in existence”…

Or King Mechagon combined with this mechoriginator capable of mechanizing every sentient being on Azeroth? Worst case it doesn’t work, burns the flesh off of everygnome (and others) and destroys everything?

Yeah no, Azshara can preen herself in her waterfall mirror. There are bigger threats than a chipped nail (carapace?).

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Queen Azshara’s head is going to be removed from her body and put on a pike soon enough. Keep siding with the losers.

First you try to kill my Banshee Queen and now you are trying to kill my beloved childhood friend who I keep off the record relationships with. Stop it! Azshara might be defeated in the upcoming raid I have accepted that but you will not kill her! :angry:

Now I ain’t sayin’ she’s an Azerite digger, but she ain’t messin’ with no broke amulet wearer.


Gonna kill -all- the evil witches.

I mean, I’d serve azshara if i was given the option. Can i turn my nelf into a naga druid?

I bow to only one Queen, and she doesn’t have tentacles. :skull:

Yes, naga druids will have tentacles. :octopus:

No! Stop it! This is why we eat you!! :angry:

Sylvanas and Azshara will tag team and banish all those who oppose us, so there is no shame in serving both. :relieved:

You attempting to eat us is why I do this D:<