All day Tuesday downtime again!

Have to give those hamsters a break every month, it’s in thier contract.

Yea, it’s called a day off, jobs do that. I make my own schedule but that’s beside the point.

Dang see I miss that kind of schedule! Use to be on two off three then on three off two 12h shifts back at Adidas.

Current place just mon-fri. I swear a weekend no longer feels like enough time lol

you skipped over the all-day aspect of this one.
convenient skip, huh?
i wouldn’t mind an all-day maintenance once a month
if they were going to go through the game and fix things…
but for plunderstorm…no.

and somehow they still have an all day maintenance like 4 to 5 times per year. On the same day. For the same amount of hours. For the last 20 years. :rofl:

plunderstorm is a waste of time…i’d rather see them work on the game…
fix malfunctioning systems…they could take a full week off just for that
and still not be done…nice emoticon. :grin: :laughing: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

I feel like plunder storm is just like any other topic on this forum. A third of the people love it. A third of the people hate it and a third of the people are indifferent. The majority who actually enjoy it are simply just logged in and playing it they don’t come to this godforsaken place. :rofl:

Go to work?