Wait… what?! You can close windows and doors?
and it’s only down to turn Plunderstorm back on. In today’s world shouldn’t that just be a flip of a switch since it’s NOT NEW it’s just rewashed… oh wait, never mind… that’s all of retail now. color by numbers and call it NEW!!!
Yes, mine are connected to a clapper. I can open and close them from my desk.
Maintenance on maintenance day?! Inconceivable!
Bro classic is just the entire game being re-released, the ultimate reskin.
You classic andies are so delusional.
Cool… finishing up that interior painting day. The previous long maintenance window I installed a beautiful backsplash in my kitchen…
Devs wanted a pizza party
I just ate a cookie and will pretend to work for a bit then take a nap before having another cookie.
gotta love all the sys admins and devops guys here chiming in knowing what Blizzard’s CI/CD pipeline is.
WOW… i … I … I didn’t know… OMG… I played way back then as well. Tried it a year or so ago and NO why relive all the slow running, crappy graphics… I mean you don’t even get the real fun of having REAL GM’s that would spawn Rag in SW for crying out loud. Yeah back when we had real gm’s that actually played the game and didn’t just respond to certain “key words” in a post.
Touch snow, kid
Retired as I’ve put in my half century of work.
Where do I go to find out how long the game will be down?
I’ve tried logging every 5 minutes, that’s 36 attempts, so you don’t have to.
The servers are not up.
Edit: Still not up.
Edit: Still not up.
Edit: Still not up.
Edit: Still not up.
Edit: Still not up.
I guess I better stop or get hit for spamming. /cower
The launcher, the login page, Twitter….
I want a pizza party!
I remember when the login page had a section on the left side that had info like that. Is mine gone, did TWW drop it, or do I have to do something to make it visible again?
ehh I work 2 12s and 2 8s so I get a 3 day weekend every weekend woo
You can switch region at the top of the page.
Glad i work mon-thur i guess.