All day Tuesday downtime again!

What are we going to do now? It’s cold outside!


Make it a house cleaning day, if the house is clean, work on the yard, if the yard is good. Then you got much better time management then me and i am out of ideas


Work or whatever, I guess.


Go to work and suffer under capitalism :frowning: someone save me


No. Kindly continue to make yacht money for your corporate overlords. Serfs… thinking they have lives or something.


Ugh, it really is. -10 here and I’ve gotta walk to get my kids in this gross snow stuff. Could be worse, there’s some hot cocoa waiting for them when they get home!

Other than that I’m EAGERLY anticipating the return of PLUNDERSTORM YEAAAAAAAAA. Best game-mode of all time thank you very much Blizzard.


Reorganise your spice rack.


There’s always Starcraft 2

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:frowning: think of my children (that i have 100% have and arent all digitalize in the sims or something) they need their daddy

Oh, very well… I guess you can have one sick day this year, but don’t get used to it.

And get and audiobook. Makes the work fly by.

6 hour maintenance for what? It isn’t t a patch day, right?

Oh thank you sir praise the master of wealth i will continue to make you rich and make my back yern for the mines

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Do y’all not have jobs?

I think they are turning plunderstorm back on.

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Tbf normally we get a long maintance during ptr uodates and when they are doing things behind the scenes to prepare for patches

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Anything specific being done?

If you had a job it wouldnt be an issue. Youd be at work until it was back on.

Oh god no…

I firmly believe they pick one day a month to have extended downtime to force some addicts back into reality so they can do adulting like pay bills and buy food, LOL