All Classes should be available for All Races

Yet, Holy Mag’har Priests exist still. Maybe the Mag’har in question waited until they were safely a part of the Horde writ large before exploring the Light and how to best weaponize it. Now the culture at large holds its blades back because before, it would be ‘correcting a defiant child’ but now it would be ‘assaulting a soldier of the Horde’. Same thing for the Draenei. They’d moan and gripe about it, but they’re not going to upset their membership in the Alliance for a Warlock or two.


fat chance of that with how much work goes into making race centric forms for druids, heck the bread maker of the coming expansion is pretty far up there with ‘minimum viable product’ . (well at this juncture, maybe they will get the message and make the dragon form able to mog actual armor)

RPG? WoWpedia. Though I guess that’s not canon anymore. I JUST WANT THEM. I’ll take anything over blood elf druids is all. And I’ll take no new druids over everyone getting druids.

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Yeah, it’s not canon. But it’s not difficult to add a Gryphon Wild God for them.

Agreed. lol

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Dracthyr are DOA if they really think they can stretch ONE CLASS to go an entire expansion. They’re completely one-note, which is the problem with adhering so strictly to ‘racial culture’ in the first place.

No, they don’t.

In lore, all Mag’har priests are Shadow Priests of the Shadowmoon Clan. There are no light-wielding Mag’har priests.

Yes, players can choose to pick Discipline or Holy as a spec, but that’s a game mechanic, not lore. Blizzard already made it clear back in vanilla (when they established that Forsaken do not like using the light because of how it affects them) that restricting the spec choices of a player because they picked a certain race is stupid, so they weren’t going to do that, even though lore wise, they wouldn’t be using that type of magic.


What do you have against Mr.Smite?

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Its going to happen whether we want it or not, not sure what use it is discussing it at this point.

Which is why that reasoning is incredibly insipid and short-sighted.

You’re right, Forsaken DON’T like using Holy magic. YET THERE IS A HOLY PRIEST IN CANON LORE EVEN.

You’re right, Mag’har don’t like using Light. Except they entered an alliance with an army THAT USES LIGHT.

That’s why the PC needs to be a special individual. Yes, they’re from their homeland. Yes, they’ve partaken in their home culture. Now however, they are a member of something far, far bigger, and they have the opportunity to explore things denied to them previously. It would be up to THAT INDIVIDUAL whether to do so or not.


Vulpera Demon hunters need to be a thing for real…
I like the playstyle of DH but being forced to play an elf is gross
I mogged out for it in the meantime lol

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If all races get all classes I’d prefer it be by way of class skins.

For example, Void Elves don’t get paladins, they get Void Knights, which are functionally paladins but have a void-based aesthetic instead of a light-based one.


For me that’s the flavour and I really like it when there’s lore and not just this race can be anything. Just like the inclusion of the new DK races which mean that we won’t have any new DK race for any new race unless there’s some kind of new lore without the Lich King.

Okay? And that doesn’t change the fact that the Forsaken do not like to use the light because of how it affects them. I mean, ask yourself, would you want to use a power that causes your flesh to burn as if you just picked up a red hot poker? Didn’t think so.

And they tolerate the other races using the light. They however will not tolerate members of their own race using the light, in the same way the Draenei and Lightforged Draenei tolerate other races of the Alliance having warlocks, but will not tolerate their own engaging in the same practice.

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Were they really denied though, or have we forgot about the lightforge’s “crusade” against the maghar. It has become painfully obvious the lore/story has broken down for the sake of mindless consumerism. Every argument I hear is about convenience, not for the sake of preserving canon, or making an interestingly heterogenous game, but for the sake of homogenizing it into obscurity. They may as well skip on lore at this point and turn it into a COD MP match where you just que in, we’re already half way there.

“The Loss is Worth the Gain.” - A Holy-Wielding Forsaken.

Sometimes channeling power hurts, but you do it anyway because the alternative is worse somehow. Again, that’s up to the individual wielding it.

And they tolerate the other races using the light. They however will not tolerate members of their own race using the light, in the same way the Draenei and Lightforged Draenei tolerate other races of the Alliance having warlocks, but will not tolerate their own engaging in the same practice.
And Holy Mag’har Priests/Draenei Warlocks would be members of the Horde/Alliance army. The Mag’har/Draenei would moan and growl about it, but to risk outright war with the Horde/Alliance over a single soldier? That’s tantamount to suicide, and they’ll keep their blades at bay and begrudgingly tolerate the taboo character.

one combo im excited to eventually see is nightborne druids, there already is precedent for it. they could be students of High Botanist Tel’arn from the nighthold raid

Ah yes, I forgot that Orgrimmar, Durotar, the Echo Isles, Silvermoon, and the Undercity were grey featureless cubes. It’s the inability to be X class that gives them their flavor!

Do you suppose those races, their origins, and culture had no defining factors, after all this is what makes them the opposite of a “grey featureless cubes.” But the contrary, homogenizing, only removes it.


This isn’t true. There’s racial and cultural differences between all of these for paladin. Mechanically, sure. They’re the same. But what a class / race learns to do and partake in should borrow some from their cultural background.

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Exceptions to the rule doesn’t mean that the rule should be thrown out the window and stomped into the dirt, especially when the lore makes it clear that these are in-fact, exceptions to the rule.

They’d still be absolutely murdered by their own kin.

Not to mention no Draenei or Mag’har would actually be willing to go down that path because they’ve suffered through all the horror that is the reason why they hate those powers in the first place.

If the Draenei for example hadn’t suffered through genocides of their own kin thanks to the fel and fel corrupted races and they just didn’t have warlocks because they didn’t like the magic, you could argue that a Draenei could look at other races using that magic and be like: “Hey, I mean, it doesn’t seem so bad…”

But when your race has been genocided by a particular magic force, when you yourself have, lore wise, experienced that horror first hand, you’re not going to touch that power with a 10,000ft pole. Even being around that type of power is going to bring back major PTSD flashbacks, and I don’t know if you’ve seen someone suffering from a PTSD flashback but it’s not pretty, and it’s not something anyone really gets over and moves on from.