All Classes For All Races

What backlash? Night elf and Draenei warlocks was a huge success with players, especially after they gave Draenei the red skin option.

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I’ll take ignored the mass amount of players not liking it for 100 jim.

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Dude, I’m on the forums every day. You know this. I have not seen this “backlash”.

What I see in game, which is surprising considering the server I’m on, is Draenei warlocks as far as the eye can see. I have also seen threads on the GD where the sole purpose is to show off your man’ari.

So if you have anything to trump that, I would love to see it.


Some people like the restrictions.

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Sucks for them.

Blizzard already said they’re moving towards all race/classes. The only exception is Evokers and the work around I can see for that is to let us pick our visage.

You also know that Blizzard is good at lying, right?

“We want player housing!”

“Have a battle royale instead! :D”


Honestly dude. I can’t get behind the wisdom of some of the things you say. Mechagnome Druids would make zero sense.

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Right? And then they’ll still try to find fault with the results.

Players: “We want all races to have access to all classes”
Blizzard: “Okay”

(after mages, warlocks, priests, and rogues are expanded to everyone but dracthyr)
Players: “Please give us new druid combos before Midnight”
Blizzard: “These take time to create”

(in the future when new paladin and druid combos are introduced)
Players: “No, this isn’t what we wanted, void elf paladins should have purple spell effects and gnome druids should have baby animal forms, also the lore you wrote for them sucks even though we said lore doesn’t matter”
Blizzard: [Collective crying of art and writing teams]

It really does seem like they’ve opened Pandora’s box with this decision, but few people will give them any sympathy for it.

Going forward, I refuse to acknowledge any lore complaints on any topic from someone wanting all/all

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For one there are a lot of animations the dracthyr just do not have. If you’ve done any quest that requires sneaking around you’ve likely noticed

Also as someone who mained a nelf mage for 2 of the post cata expansions: the return of the highborne was done in such a stupid, faction-brained way in wrath (Tyrande basically needed to be written as OOC as possible to both hate on the guys she was willing to sacrifice herself for in TFT over muh faction conflict AND tolerate the Dire Maul highborne long enough to listen to their whining, IMO) that I haven’t cared about race/class restriction lore ever since. Bring on the belf druids, the nelf paladins and the nightborne shamans. Give man’arai DHs. Make mechagnomes a shaman race.

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Kinda hope that’s remained on the table. :crossed_fingers::robot:

The only fear are lame explanations that make the race or gods look bad. :robot::sweat_drops:

At least there’s some history against the Drust before the founding of Kul’tiras, could tie something to the Thornspeakers. :scroll::robot:

Which is strange as we encounter Dracthyr rogues and mages during the launch. And later the Forbidden island and Zarlek Caverns. :world_map::robot:


  • There was a concept that high elf druids developed the Runestones protecting their people. Could recanonize that detail.
  • Paladins have existed in Highborne society-- although people want and desire paladins of Elune.
  • There’s a cool idea to introduce the Sand Gnomes as shamans.

Unfortunately they have been doing that since Cata.

I actually disagreed and fought against all race/class combos (fat lot of good it did me) until they released that interview.

After that I just had to either unsub or enjoy my tauren Warlock, Rogue and Mage :woman_shrugging:

One bit that still stands as canon because it’s from wc3, the three crystals that became the verdant spheres were kept in shrines of the moon lmao (tbh in ROC Sylvanas straight up has starfall because she and Tyrande are moveset clones for all but one spell, and Thas’alah being another world tree is from Metzen’s drafts for it).

But yeah I’m sure a lot of the remaining non-hero classes can be justified with some tweaks by just pulling on pre-existing lore (Nightborne have arguments for druid, dh and shaman in Legion - although enhancement would need sword proficiency to be a good representation of spellblade besides the fact that Aluriel is mechanically a shaman - druids of the flame being redeemed is obviously an open door for nelf shaman)

I get that. Some fear has arisen because there’s been a bothersome idea that all wild gods count for druidism but that would imply classes like monks were taught wrong. :robot::sweat_drops:

I think the real trouble is Void elves concerning their lore is just practicing void powers. :robot::sweat_drops:

Midnight lore: the other elves put us in rehab/deprogramming from Umbric’s cult (I’m sure they’ll find a way if they want to make it a thing, it’s not like void elves have a ton of specific lore considering they were based on a dev’s personal character concept)

And like I said, they were concerned with lore for a long while. Now they’ve decided “it’s fine” but it’s still something that takes a little more time than just flipping a switch.

They may have pushed aside the lore, but they still want to make each race have a unique feel for these classes they don’t have.

Blizzard appears to want to set down some lore leading into classes being unlocked where applicable.

Paladin has had its ground work set it seems with Tyr, however Shaman and Druid I assume will need more time to get in order.

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Nothing is received well. You cant use that as an argument.

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IDK, when the first buffed Ret near the beginning of the expansion it seemed to go well for ret paladins.

You will never please 100% of the players 100% of the time, but that dosenʻt mean you shouldnʻt even try.

gnome druid when and bear form must be a teddy bear

Im going to disagree. Do whats best for the game. Damn the torpedoes.