All Classes For All Races

Blizz has relaxed the race-class restrictions over the years. At this point it would make sense to just open all the classes availability for all races. Some people say that there are several classes that take too much work to make available for all races. Shaman being one of them. But with a company as big as Blizz with a massive staff it should be easily done.

So my question is. It’s been 20 years we’ve been waiting already. What’s the hang-up here?


it could probably be done with like 0 actual work. just make all the class based druid forms and totems customizable and let everyone pick whichever one they want. don’t even add any new ones, just give the old ones to thew new races.


While it probably could be done with minimal effort i dont think it would be received well.
Sure, they could just make every new alliance shaman use the dwarf totems and every new horde shaman use the orc totems, but it wouldnʻt be long before folks would start requesting (demanding) racial inspired themes for their classes.


I only support all/all if racials become a much larger aspect of things that naturally funnel people into certain set ups.

No word yet as I thought we’re supposed to hear class openings during the half patches. :robot::ear:

Although I assume there must be rules on hero classes as the new Evoker class is only tied to the Dracthyr. :robot::thought_balloon:

…which is a race with just one class. :point_up::robot:


I think it’s possible that some classes may have very race-specific animations yet (evoker for sure, demon hunter maybe). Shamans/Paladins/Druids all have some flavor stuff that tends to be race-specific, but I’d rather have those classes opened to all races and the flavor added later, rather than having to wait for some far-off future where we have mechanical gnome-totems for shamans or whatever.

Personally, my big ask of late has been opening Demon Hunters to Draenei. I’ve got a Demon Hunter I’m just itching to race change into a red-skinned Man’ari.


agree with this on the case that gnomes, mechagnomes, vulperas, and pandas are sacrificed to the blood gods first.

after that the real reason its taking so long for this to happen is because druids for all races other than the 4 mentioned needing removal, is the same problem with shamans, those two classes have assets that need to be skinned for the respective races who dont have them, that being animal forms + their animations, and in the case of shamans, racial relevant totems.

They’re probably making lore stories for them, plus design and such might be adding to the time.

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I just want to know if I’ll be able to play an Orc Paladin when TWW launches.

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While I understand and can agree there are a lot more class/race combos that should be available, I feel like everyone in this thread is ignoring the fact there are lore reasons for some classes not being available to every race. I mean a void elf paladin would be very paradoxical.

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You do know they are already working on this, correct?

They’ve said as much many times.

You need to keep up, they are working on it, because:

They don’t want to do this.

If they are giving all classes to all races, they want to do it right. The crapstorm that would ensue if they didn’t isn’t worth the bother. I’d rather wait a bit and have them to it properly.

Give race-specific stuff for each class, give decent reasons for those races to be joining said classes, etc.

Anyone that believes they can just “flip a switch” hasn’t thought it out, or doesn’t care to because they are going “Veruca Salt” on the topic.



I’m wanting a Forsaken Paladin bad, even have a name reserved. Depending on the forms a Forsaken and Gnome Druid could be sweet too. Gnome Druids forms have to be cute kittens and cubs, I mean let’s get real.


Sadly Blizzard has already hand-waved this away.

In the Warlock quest for any race that wasn’t already a Warlock until recently, they gave half answers for most of the races. Draenei at least has an “out” with Man’ari rejoining through Velen. Pandas didn’t even get an explanation. Their representative was wearing a gas mask and didn’t even say anything.

I suspect the future added race/class combos will get the same lackluster story.

At this point asking them just to give us race-specific items for the classes is the best we can hope for from them.

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Oh we can’t have this or that thing you want in wow because it goes against the lore. Really. Most players just rush through dungeons playing their class and don’t care about lore. Blizzard has already made a ton of changes to the game that reforms the lore or ignore it completely.

Like the op said it’s been 20 years people have been asking for all classes for all races.


Shaman require racial-themed totems. Paladin requires racial-themed mounts. And Druid requires racial-themed forms.

They could just use generic designs and do it now. But, clearly that’s not their plan. Patience, young grasshopper. Patience.

Blizzard has already said they are doing this, have added 19 more in the last two years thus proving their intent and warned that paladin, shaman and druid would be last because they will take longer due to the extra assets that need to be created.

I genuinely feel sorry for Blizzard at this point because if people aren’t screaming more! more! more!, they are screaming now! now! now! The entitlement is disgusting.

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Begging your pardon Ma’am, but a lot of us have been kindly asking Blizzard to please give us all classes for all races, now going on 20 years. Any right thinking person would of thought Blizzard would of done it by now. Specially with all this newfangled technology. Unfortunately Blizzard seems to wanna just dangle the promise before us. Why that’s just downright wrong. Why then done they hired them computer wiz-kids for?
Guess some folks just like to be onary and and contrary and tell honest folks that we is asking fer too much.

Why ya all make it sound like Blizzard is two guys working from their barn running Wow on their commodore 64s still using floppy discs. Oh it’s too hard for them poor boys to adjust the game program a little. Yeah right.

You’re assuming they don’t have this done yet.

They always start working on stuff before they talk about it.

The solution to that is to give them visage forms of every race. They don’t even have to have the same extensive customisations of their current visage forms. Just give them dragon eyes and maybe horns. Easy!


Maybe because they realize how dumb the idea is and stopped ahead after the back-lash of warlocks.