All Citrine Gems are now Available

So, will all citrine gems be available tomorrow after resets or are we waiting until the new year?

I’m not surprised, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Blizzard barely gets it playable and ships it, eventually they will band-aid it before moving on. It’s probably why everything is time gated because they don’t test in house and need to test this on live every week…

They’re technically available now (per the post below from 3d ago), but the two “new” ones that drop off Stalagnorock are hard to get for some due to the intermittent bug (that was very consistent for me given 6 attempts before getting the Stormbringer citrine and another 5 attempts to get the Fathomdewellr one. :frowning:

The other citrines are easily obtainable but if you’re DPS the two of Stalagnor in Shuddering Hollows are probably the ones you want.

Yeah, that’s what I mean. I’ve tried probably 10 times to get those 2 but have been unable to. They are effectively unavailable until Blizzard fixes it.

Try it on a different character that has never been to Siren Isle… Try not contributing currency to activate the quest (let others do it)… Try joining a group on a low-pop realm if you’re on a high-pop realm…

Unfortunately, I’ve tried all those things and there’s no consistency in any posted work-arounds. Each time I got the gem I just killed him in the cave; never got one when others pulled him out of the cave, nor did the work-arounds I read about seem to help.

I guess if you have time, just keep trying and if you have better things to do, then wait for a fix to be announced.

Almost all of them.

The Stormbringer’s Runed Citrine is a bit tough. Not only does it bug out, it seems to bug out permanently once somebody resets the boss. Even on later pulls, the gem doesn’t drop if it bugged out the first time.


i had the kill quest disappear when we set foot in the cave

Yea - about that. You need to fix Shuddering Hollow.


Thank you for bugging Stalagnarok . Your dev team’s poor foresight in pushing hotfixes have caused frustration among the player base . Players are getting mad at each other because we cannot get a gem until your team finds it solution. Why it hasn’t been done sooner is beyond me and is a telling sign on your quality as a company. Which everyone knows has gone downhill , even more-so since your “social contract” mistake and with microsoft now owning you, we dont expect quality anymore.

Still. Fix your bugs so we can stop getting mad at each over because we cannot communicate with opposite faction killing the boss and with other people who refuse to reset.

Thanks and its Merry Christmas/ Happy Hanukah. Get your spine back

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Can’t get all of them. 8 Alts, still missing three.

Still impossible to get all the citrines after weekly reset and maintenance. Maybe next week.

Wouldn’t count on it. Next week is new year’s eve. Maybe the week after.

Can confirm its still bugged.

Not really, events are not rewarding gems.

It works once in a blue moon. Not dependably, but somehow or other I did get my last gem a few days ago.

I have all the gems. My gem achievement is not done because the Legendary gem was bought from a vendor and not received in a world event or whatever.

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Just attempted the event again - it is STILL bugged. This is wild.

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Not that it shouldn’t have been fixed Monday or Tuesday (it 100% should’ve been) but it’s literally Christmas now. I wouldn’t expect anything today

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The event (you mean obtaining the “Fathomdweller” citrine, right?) has been fixed with this week’s Tuesday morning patch.

I tried it unsuccessfully maybe 7-8x before the patch and no go, and then I think the first or maybe second time after the patch, I got the Fathomdweller gem from the guy in the cave.

I’ve got all 12 citrines now.

Keep at it…

It’s definitely not fixed and still bugs out. Sometimes it works correctly, but most of the time it does not.