They are not all available. BiS gem from Stalagmarok npc is unobtainable due to event bug causing bonus objective to disappear approximately 5 seconds into pulling the boss. with message “the cavern is about to colapse” Please fix.
when you see the message “cavern is on the verge of collapse” you will notice the bonus objective disappears. Thus making you ineligible to receive the item. I taunted him away to see if I could fix the bug myself and make bonus objective reappear. It doesn’t work after testing.
This bug was in the game on Tuesday. It became more noticeable with more people doing the event.
can you make it so they actually drop from the event, instead of people trying to use some wall exploit .
By that argument you’re better off gemming stamina.
I wondered if this was still bugged. I went on an alt with my friend (i know i could just buy them but the friend was doing the island for the first time) and we got both gems from the Shuddering Hollow event on our first two tries. Must’ve just been great RNG, no one did anything different either time. Just went in and killed. Hopefully they fix it soon though.
Yes it is still bugged, but I was able to find a work around. If you pull the boss to the back of the room and tank him on the wall, you will get credit. The issue comes when he targets someone with charge, if they are too close to the mouth of the cave the bonus event fails and you don’t get the gems. Check my character, i have them in my ring.
Tbh if it helps I just might
Are we allowed to put out bugs on the weekend so that they are fixed next week?
Hope Blizzard doesn’t consider this a exploit. I think it’s a strategy.
while this is a great change, i think the stormsuge citrine is bugged. It shows up as a buff active ~40% of my run.
is this an on equip effect or it is a proc?
“grants” stats seems like it ought to be an on equip effect.
Stalagnorok is still broken… quest randomly goes away from the quest log before boss is killed preventing quest completion and acquisition of the last two gems.
There is definitely no issue with the bosses in the other two caves and that quest logic, but Shuddering Hollow must have something different in code/script/triggers because it’s buggy beyond belief (6x attempts to get the first of the “unlocked” citrines off Stalagnorock; still haven’t gotten second citrine after 4x additional attempts).
What is different is Shuddering Hollow has the 2 gems everyone wants. Coincidence?
Let me put my tinfoil hat on for a moment. No, I don’t actually believe this (never assume malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence), but this could be a way to timegate gems, while saying they’re all available.
I agree with @Vralok… don’t assume malic when incompetence is a much more likely explanation. I also (miraculously) just got the last citrine from Shuddering Hollow after 11 buggy attempts in that place in total to get just two citrines that should’ve taken only two attempts (like the other two caves that worked perfectly fine).
If it simply never worked for anyone then I’d say malicious intent, but it works for some and not others and when it does work it’s intermittent, not consistent.
Incompetence is certainly believable here. That said, it is odd that the two most sought after gems just happen to be the ones bugged? People also say there are no coincidences. I’m just asking the question.
I do know that if it was bugged in the other way, that they hadn’t unlocked the gems and killing Stal was giving out the gems anyway they would have called people in from holiday and had that hotfixed within an hour. But since it is bugged to the player’s detriment they are like “eh maybe the Tuesday reset will fix it, if not see ya in 2025”.
Yes, if there were an unintentional benefit to players, it wouldn’t matter if it was a holiday and everything was closed. Someone would be called into hotfix it immediately. If it’s a detriment to players, no problem, we can just wait until they eventually get around to it.
I would say that such people are prone to conspiracy theories and wear a tin-foil hat at all times.
As Khadgar would say “Knowledge is Power” and the tin-foil hat crowd could do with a good statistics course or two on probability theory.
Since it’s intermittent, it’s probably hard for the dev team to track down a root cause. Otherwise applying solutions that don’t address the root cause may not actually fix the issue. Usually a code review process involves “smart/experienced” coders doing peer-review of others design work before it goes to implementation. Even if that happened sometimes your eyes betray you (or more your brain corrects the error that your eyes see), so it doesn’t get flagged before testing, and doesn’t get caught during test, so gets out to players on live.
“testing” lol. Not that is a conspiracy theory.
There is testing…it’s just done by players.