All Citrine Gems are now Available

So… is this worth using now or is this ring still a let down compared to my 606 ring?

The only way I’ve seen it guaranteed to work, is when a current event fails, you drag the mob out of the tunnel. He evades, the cave closes up again, and the event has to be restarted. On this second go, the event should not break and spontaneously fail.

Well I’m using it, and sims are putting it higher than a lot of other things for most specs in terms of damage… but…

A lot of people are posting that they did a dungeon and it didn’t “feel any stronger,” so I doubt they can be convinced.

You even have a few saying they deleted the ring and will never use it… can’t wait for posts about being denied invites for not having the ring later on lol

Stalagnarok is still broken. A group can do everything right and still get NOTHING.

Is this on anyone’s radar to fix?

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Not sure what is going on, but I did get Stormbringer’s Runed Citrine.

It’s so very weird when you play a casual cartoonish pve game and everyone and their mom has to sim and crossanalyze the performance of a ring meant to help you do a little bit better in content for a season.

Honestly the boost this ring provides is not likely much right? Maybe all 5 people wearing it in a M+ equals 250k more dps or something… meh. With all the damage you’re probably better off using the survivability gems.

well it was bad (-15k) before they unlocked the good gems but with the bis gems it simmed +48k on my ww. thats more than decent. had to do the switch :slight_smile:

You can actually observe this when the kobolds are breaking in during the counter. The wall keeps resetting.

Not on the weekend, no, because they don’t work weekends

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It should be easy for them given how much they supported work from home.

But maybe work from home for Blizzard really means on payroll but not working.

I finally got my Fathomdweller’s. I completed the event this morning with apparently nothing rewarded. However I remained in the area doing another quest when the event come up again with the gem rewarded to me immediately without having to do the event again.

Only if you’re incapable of using your defensives

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Maybe that’s the secret, just kill the boss and then hang tight until the event pops up again

Possibly. Then again, it could just be yet another iffy workaround to the flaws in a very brittle process.

True, but until a proper fix is implemented gotta roll with what you can get :stuck_out_tongue:

Either fix the Shuddering Hollow event so that the bonus event doesn’t disappear seconds after pulling the mob or just give us the gems in some other capacity.

Look, if it were one gem gated behind this fiddly event, fine. Life happens. But you have two citrines, and for many both are extremely strategic to have.

If you want to make sure players stay in the cave so you can play “beat the timer” (which is why, I assume, you have the “cave is about to collapse” mechanic), just have the boss despawn if he hits the corridor entrance - or make it clear where players CAN’T BE if the bonus event respawns because players are too close to the cavern entrance. You’ve put falling damage in cave tunnels before.

I mean, I’ll deal with what I can get because I am not a min-maxer, but it is highly annoying to spend currency to activate the event only for it to bug out within seconds of the boss’ pull. Which, of course, a segment of the community deals with with all the grace and aplomb of a toddler.

Player low frustration tolerance aside, this is still a bug, and a bug which gates access to items which are the main driving factors for engagement in the zone. The fact this hasn’t been acknowledged if not fixed in some way (for instance, putting these rewards on ALL the triggered events) is unfathomable to me.

When I did it the first time, he didn’t give me any citrines, so the second time around I went deeper into the cave and I got the rewards.

Am I the only one who thinks it’s absolutely insane that players demand the developers to work on weekends for them to fix some minor bugs? How entitled can you get? Jesus Christ.

i’m not convinced it’s even bugged, i think people are just taunting it out of the cave repeatedly

its bugged last night before we set foot in the cave the cave in warning happen that fast
and the quest kill info disappears also