All Citrine Gems are now Available

When will the real hotfix that fixes this hotfix be rolling out?


2025 probs

Oh wow i did not know you can upgrade it beyond 642. Argh, more mindless farming i guess.

So the item level upgrades are from the weekly story quests, you don’t have to worry about trying to grind them out

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I think that’s a glitch. I didn’t loot a rare on my alt and then i killed some more rares. I looted an upgrade token from the rares and got an extra one in the mail. My main only got the one.

Storyline lets u go to 642. The shammy that shared the info has his ring at 645. I am aware that it’s expected to go up by the week.

I just was not expecting it to be ‘‘farmable’’ at this point. If it’s farmable in the 1st place.

Wowhead comments also had 1 guy who looted an ‘‘extra’’ one via a rare.

I finally got both of the gems back to back by pulling him into the left corner. It didn’t seem like it worked but in between waiting for the next event I randomly had the gem just looted to me while sitting on my mount. It seems like there is some kind of desync with the time of him dying and awarding the item. But then the next one it gave me when he died, again in the back left corner. Idk.

I didn’t know about this either.

back to Siren isle when I get on tonight :slight_smile:

If you can find a group doing it, resetting the boss by pulling him out with a pet seems to work. You fight him outside the cave once the objective pops back up in a raid, and once he’s low on health (1%) leave party. SO the sequence is reset boss > wait for event to pop back up (you get a bar), pull him out with a pet (use taunt and pull the pet back out) > fight him at the edge of the cave entrance. The world quest must be active when he dies, and you don’t get it if you’re still in the raid once he dies.

If your frames prevent context menus in combat, the command to leave party is /script C_PartyInfo.LeaveParty(). Its jank, but as other folks have mentioned it does look like it’s the event being bugged and not recognizing that hte boss is still up so it ends the event.

The current theory is people with higher rings have managed to enable the catch up mechanism. Not 100% sure how, but grinding the ilvl isn’t intended.

Too bad 2 of them still aren’t available because they come from the Shuddering Hollow event, which is broken.


I’ll echo this… tried 4 separate events to get Stormbringer’s Runed Citrine and each time Skaggit’s talking-head dialog pops the quest is removed from the log when he’s done talking… no quest in log, no credit for quest, back to square-1 to get Storm Citrine…

Dear Blizzard, please think this through. Just like the original Onyx Annulet, we need to be able to buy multiple Circlets, immediately.

  1. Almost every Specialization requires different stat priority. Current cost is ~5,000k gold per enchant so when I go from raid to pushing keys that’s an additional 5k for a Radiant enchant
  2. I don’t want make/download a WA or Addon that automatically swaps which gems I’m using. E.g. Monk wherein you might play WW, Brew, and Mist just to farm vaults with your friends to make the group work. The micro management of swapping Citrines sucks!
  3. The citrines are automatically deposited in my warbank now when I try to deposit my reagents I get from normal gameplay. So when I organize the 5 or 6 I need to rotate in and out depending on the content, spec, role and I hit ‘auto deposit’ out of habit, I have to go back and find them in the warbank and then re-organize, again, and again… (yes I know about ignore option in cleanup but that’s not how I have my bag addons setup)
  4. You can’t do automatic armor sets with only 1 ring.

Please make this quality of life change ASAP. The island has already been a disaster on almost every aspect and having access to only one ring is just the icing on cake of let downs, bugs, and frustration…

Yo homie.

This still is not fixed. I’ve killed the event boss like 10 times now for Stormbringer’s Runed Citrine and it doesn’t drop. Apparently the bosses charge causes the event to fail.

simple fix… disable the charge from the boss.

Thank you

Sincerely, the people that pay $15 a month for this service.


It’s not Stalagnarok charging that’s messing anything up. The cave itself that the mob spawns in is bugged and on an endless reset loop. Until that’s fixed, it doesn’t matter how Stalagnarok is fought or what abilities it has. It’s the cave/event that needs to be fixed.

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The thing that ticks me off when things like this happen is if it was giving gems out too fast Blizz would hotfix it within the hour. But since it is not giving the gems they are just going to let it ride all weekend.


Yeah agreed. I might just pass it up until the next storyline upgrade, who know how long it will take for that xtra 3 ilvl. Could be longer then some of those with missing gems.

Can you fix the Stalagnarok bonus event so that it doesn’t disappear while the boss is still up? Kthx.

And to you good sir!

i just got the stormbringer one. people were trying all kinds of things and the objective always vanished.
then we got him in the left section of the cave spamming taunt in the cubby and it just worked.

need to somehow do that one more time for the other citrine.

*just got the fathom one as well. this time we pulled him outside of the cave just before the blockage appeared, and taunted him in place without dpsing until objective came back, then we burned him down right there in front of the blockage.