All Citrine Gems are now Available

day two and in total over 100 times of killing this thing on my main. still nothing. it disappears part of the way through the objective
I’ve sent in 5 support tickets and all of which have not been answered

big change for middle of the week when everyone’s gone till tuesday :wink:

i woulda waited for tuesday on that one.
nice, but weirdly placed.

SO i HAD just tried the pull to the back of the room and lusting. it just doesn’t drop. cuz the quest never disappeared

What’s insane is that a multi-million dollar company is apparently unfamiliar with the concept of being ‘on call’.

A service is not working, get someone online to fix it. Its standard practice in every other industry, but apparently blasphemous to expect in gaming.

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give them some slack they worked hard and long for that glorious never-ending siren isle content. let them have some well deserved rest.


im obviously joking but i would think that way if they actually pumped out a lot of great content.

*xAI is gonna make games soon. that’s going to be interesting. AI doesnt need vacations or days off :wink:
AI doesnt cry when it’s crunch time! could be amazing.

That’s great and all, but I’d rather you focus on fixing the Stalagnarok fight, because that one is extremely messed up atm and leaves the citrines it drops basically unattainable.

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Yeah, but they aren’t…

Nice try Blizz.

No, they are not available…Fathomdweller will not drop…fix the game please…ty


Dumb ring…

I can’t get any gem to drop from that particular event - tried about 10 times today on 2 different characters and not a single one.

Supposedly if you complete the event you can buy the gems.

not true, i’ve been doing the event for hours now and the gem that comes from it is not sold.

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So, the dps gem that everyone needs is the one no one can get after they “hotfixed” it?

looking that way…convenient lol

Sure wish I knew this sooner.

Anyone notice that the Choir of Citrines achievement is bugged? Legendary and Seabed Leviathan (bought from vendor) aren’t giving credit for achieve.

This is still time gated. Can’t get a single gem from the Shuddering Hollow.

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Citrines has to drop not be bought for the achieve, so if we get Naga invasion next week then we will get the Seabed Leviathan’s Citrine drop or if it is Pirate invasion we will get the Legendary Skipper’s Citrine to drop.

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I’m an Elemental Shaman.
I have all of the possible gems.

setup with:
Stormbringer’s Runed Citrine
Fathomdweller’s Runed Citrine
Legendary Skipper’s Citrine

Just got it, kept the MOB near the crystal towards the back, IDK if it helped.