Have only recently returned to the game, so I have seen this mentioned in other threads, however the variables mentioned in others don’t seem to apply to me.
In short, I played up until about midnight last night and then logged in this morning to find literally all of my characters are gone. Even the ones just for placeholder names that I never even bothered to level, along with several level 80’s.
Upon logging in I was prompted to create a character, so I did, and then when I look on the realms list it says that is the newly created one is the only character I have.
My gut tells me that I’m just old and that I am overlooking something simple, but am reaching out for help here, nonetheless.
Do you have more than one WoW license? On the launcher, there is a drop down list by the play button letting you select the license you want to log into. If you switched to a different one, like a starter, it would not have characters on it. Sometimes the launcher likes to play switcharoo with you.
If you can give the Blues the name-realm of a char you were playing last night they can probably confirm that for you 
Just to ask: Do you see the dropdown over the play button to pick the account you want to you? Sometimes it pick one another account you may have to by itself.
Make sure ur loggong into retail not classic or bice versa.
As I suspected, simple. I didn’t even know that drop down existed. Thank you. Sorry for wasting your time.
Not a waste at all! This forum is an Information Desk at heart. The best part of it is being able to help someone quickly and have it all resolved. Tied up in a neat little bow.
Enjoy your return to WoW and welcome back!