All Alliance Players Benediction

Transfer to Benediction. Its the best place for Alliance.

Don’t go Earthfury

10 to 1 odds at every meeting stone, they camp for fun.


Have you transferred to Incendius 2.0 yet or are you just going to keep making new threads saying the same stuff every day?

You should really just go to Pagle, I’m not joking, since that seems more your style.

I am NOT happy with the current state of Earthfury alliance as of the last few weeks and especially this week but as of right now I can still jump on my ally and do raids with dungeons with people I like. I also world farm with the ally often, 95% of the time no one attacks when farming and if they do well I’m always PVP geared and speced when I got out in the world so a fight is good.

Allies still run around and fight on the server. I plan to level my ally alt and we will see how much I get ganked on the ally compared to on my horde alt, who gets ganked a lot. My alts will probably both get ganked the same amount as it should be.

I still think you’re being dramatic, even considering everything.


Pagle is awesome. I dont like your tone about pagle.

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pour one out for the hundreds of hours invested on dead servers that don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars to transfer

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Sorry, I didn’t actually mean to attack Pagle. I actually met quite a few of the Pagle alliance while doing AV premades at the tail end of Classic and they are good people who just want to quest, farm and PVP on their own terms (well, PVP for the ones who do PVP).

My point was people like this OP don’t need to set out to destroy every PVP server that exists. Just go to a PVE server that’s already 100% ally like Pagle and you will probably have just as good of an experience. You don’t like World PVP anyway and you can still do everything else. That was my point.

I’m annoyed over certain things lately. it’s like a wildfire. You see everyone elses houses burn down and you know it could happen to you but hey it’s kind of far away and you are closer to the city so things will be ok right? You do what you can to try to protect yourself. You keep everything watered and clear up all the brush. it seems OK but then it’s like well that fire is over there but then it starts getting close and you’re watering your house down and doing everything you can but it probably won’t matter. That’s the best way I can think of to describe my mindset right now. Although I’d way (like 100 times over) rather lose my video game server than my house and sorry if this insults anyone it’s just my best analogy.

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Happy where I am at. Not a fan of the mega servers.

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It must be amazing to find groups for pretty much anything on Benediction. I bet even the leveling areas are full.

Per your analogy I think the mindset is more like, a wildfire came through and burned down a few of the houses but left the others. The people in the other houses don’t seem to care that your house burned down, they don’t want to help you at all, and they make dismissive and derisive comments about how can just move somewhere else.

Out of spite, and out of self-interest, you begin to hope everyone’s house burns down, not only because of your irritation with the callous and unfeeling people who are indifferent to your plight, but that maybe if all of the houses burn down the government will declare a state of emergency and provide emergency assistance.

If the fires are small, it is our problem. If the fires get big, it is Blizzard’s problem. It is in my self-interest to feed the flames.

PS: At one time the server problem was largely limited to Skeram, Stalagg, and Heartseeker. The forums gave no sympathy, mocked the players there, and opposed every solution. Now those same people, feeling the heat, are crying out for someone to save them. They should reap what they sow.

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Benediction the new alliance server woot!

Benediction used to be ~50/50, then 55/45, 60/40, now 65% ally /35% horde
I’m sure you’ll have the best “PVP” server experience in a few months.

Better than a 1v10 :slight_smile:

That’s the fate of all pvp severs best pick one your side has dominated on.

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Yah ruin one of the last remaining pvp servers that had close to perfect 50/50 balance.

It’s actually a complete disgrace that blizzard even allows transfers to the dominant faction of a server once it goes past 60/40.


Noooooo, we have plenty of ally players. We need more horde.


I agree. Earthfury was close to 50/50 classic now it’s Horribly horde dominated.

Yep it’s absolutely disgusting. Nothing so transparently illustrates “we couldn’t care less about the health of our game” like accepting 25 dollars and without any limits whatsoever just letting servers be completely ruined.

They do it with free transfers, but for $25, screw it who cares ruin the next one in the chain of dominos.


Blizzard ruined Earthfury with server transfers being optional

Even the servers; and then make racials 1 to 1.

I miss incendius at its launch state. such a shame such a balanced server went to hell with the introduction of transfer refugees.

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Whats worse?

US Justice System
Blizzard’s Server Balance

Trick question the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal is the worst!