US Justice System. WTF is even wrong with you?
15 years of bad server balancing.
Yeah, when I left Sulfuras because it was just continuing to get worse, I chose Pagle.
It’s not that I don’t like world pvp, I just don’t like it to be almost constantly a situation where I am outnumbered 2+ to 1, made worse by the fact that outland wasn’t built to support this player count simultaneously.
So rather than making life worse for the horde on a pvp server with a bunch of alliance, I just went to a PvE server.
As it stands, the only real options were:
Get destroyed by a horde imbalance
Roll to a PvP server in name only (alliance heavily favored)
Or roll to a real PvE server.
The fact that Blizzard does absolutely nothing to help dying servers and 1 faction dominated server just shows how much they dont give a shiit about the health of TBC. They would rather people pay for transfers and others quit the game then have balanced and populated servers. They really dont care.
Factions in wow are just poor design. Why didn’t they remove it already?
My guild will be transferring there soon. Then time to take out my frustrations from sulf out on the horde. Time for them to suffer haha. We will kill you at every summon stone and every raid. As they say payback is a 4 letter word. And i wont feel one bit sorry for farming them everywhere they go.
I respect that. I have nothing against PVE servers like Pagle or players who don’t want World PVP.
Where it becomes a problem is for players like myself who want a balanced PVP server and are even perfectly willing to play on the underdog side (although preferably on a server with like between a 60/40 and 50/50 server) and there are like no options left. I blame Blizzard first for doing absolutely nothing about it but collecting money. I secondly blame the players who are selfish and intentionally pick PVP servers that are already very imbalanced in their favor. So both of these things are ruining the game IMO.
For players like you who opt out of PVP servers well, there’s nothing wrong with that.
Oh yeah because taking it out on the horde there who had nothing to do what you “went through” and driving them off is a great solution. /golfclap
Like I said, Incendius 2.0, soon to be 99% ally. Filled with selfish cowards such as yourself, gold farmers, everyone still looking for tanks, and next to no actual community despite being huge (I made an alt on there last night and that’s all it was, boosters selling services, DPS looking for groups and groups looking for tanks/healers, nobody was talking and having a good time or anything like you’d see on real servers. Well horde side might be ok, ally side was a soulless trash heap). Enjoy it.
Benediction is a PVP server already at 65% Alliance.
YOU are the reason the servers have horrid imbalance.
YOU want a server where you are in favor.
YOU want to be the 10 to 1 odd and camp for fun.
Don’t lie to yourself. I don’t care if you’re Alliance or Horde.
Intentionally transferring to the dominant faction speaks volumes of your character.
Cool with me.
I 100% agree Drooler. This OP has been on here for weeks exaggerating about my server (Earthfury), making threads like this almost every day. Meanwhile, I’m sitting on my Earthfury alliance alt and everything is fine. I can get raid and dungeon groups, I can farm, I can PVP, whatever. I do die on the ally going into Kara, that kind of sucks but it’s a PVP server. I sometimes get attacked when farming and here’s the thing - I like it. I welcome it and I fight back. I want to World PVP.
We did have some guilds leave Earthfury to this already imbalanced server Benediction and I don’t respect any of them. If they had gone to Whitemane or Faerlina in search of talent or whatever excuse was I would have respected that a lot more.
For myself, ally side is still ok. I plan to level my ally alt and gank on my “ally main”. I will not transfer or follow anyone. I actually unsubbed my accounts with “server balance” reasons in the box but do plan to raid with my horde guild and will stick with my alliance as long as that guild lasts and I can help the Earthfury alliance community.
Then I plan to watch for a few months while things stabilize and either find another game that has what I want (possibly fresh Classic if I can’t) or play on the underdog side on whatever server actually has some sort of balance for TBCC. I’m pretty disappointed though over TBCC overall so I might walk away from Blizzard at the end of the day. I have to figure that part out.
This used to be nice somewhat balanced server and I don’t understand why groups of Alliance would transfer here when other Alliance dominated servers like Pagle exist.
Mootwo sits in town all day
Ill be posting a video of outside of SSC and TK on the 15th to demonstrate
Thank you
I just logged into earthfury alliance. 2 lfg messages and 1 person selling tailoring, after 5 minutes is a dead server. lol
LOL no I don’t sit in town all day. I know exactly what’s going on in the world, I’ve never seen you anywhere though in the world, at least on your mage. Not even once.
The raid loggers certainly do just sit in town and buy stuff off the AH etc. In fact almost everyone I know who says stuff like “World PVP is dead ,it’s only gankers” doesn’t do anything but raid log other than walking into their raids.
What Alliance guilds have transferred to Benediction then?
Then tell me where they ranked as a guild on the server?
You’re lying. Why do people lie about things when they can be proven wrong? I logged onto an ally and here’s my Threat addon loading and there’s my DBM loading and there are 3 message in between. So the messages were within half a second. I edited out names, I’m not going to keep going on.
Like I get that you want to play a Retail mirror by picking a soulless megaserver with 99% ally but you should just admit it.
Dudes just advocating to keep the Horde 70%
I could know this by sitting AFK all day, FYI.
I’m not naming any guilds on the forums.
I will say that two of the ally guilds who killed other MCed allies during the AQ scarab coalition are transferring off and stating that “language barriers” and “low talent” “not the horde” made them do it (LOL). That’s just the selfish being selfish again. so it’s no big surprise there.
Some others are #34 in Gruul who had a group splinter off. Another guild already changed their server so they don’t show an EF ally rank anymore. There are some others too. I do not know everyone because I am not sitting in 50 ally guilds to know everything internal. One group transferred to Whitemane and, what a surprise, those guys actually PVPed.
When I fight with others for the Spirit Towers and Halaa, or when I get into random world skirmishes ON MY ALLY, by the way rarely with people from these raid logger guilds that transferred like chickens, this is not being learned by sitting in Shatt.
You’re the one advocating, for some obscure reason, that every ally should transfer to a server that is drastically overpopulated and will soon be 99% ally.