All Action Bars Resetting to Blank / The War Within Pre-patch

This is happening again. All action bars are resetting to blank in the War Within pre-patch. Fixing action bars only works until you log out and back in where all bars are blank again.

So far this only is happening on my warlock after I was disconnected but I see others with the same problem.

I am making a new post so there is no confusion, this is definitely still happening (old post was from Dragonflight pre-patch). Please help!

POSSIBLE FIX : After populating your bars create a new load out . Creating a new load out is as simple and selecting “create new load out” at the bottom of your talent tree window. You can test it by dragging a few spells, creating a new load out and logging out. The action bars kept their buttons for me, hope this helps! :slight_smile:


I am having the same issue if I log off it resets as if I never choose Skills from the book


Same here, only happening to my warlock so far.


I’m having the same issue, any solution about this?. It is really annoying having this kind of problem after 12 hours upgrade, isn’t blizzard testing anything after patching servers?


Having the same issue. Level 7 Hunter, no spec yet, in the tutorial area. Every time I log off and log back on, actions bars are blank.

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Same! Created a Remix Toon, and every time I have to log out, and then return, the action bars are BLANK! Getting real tired of having to place every spell back on the bar. Doesn’t anyone do any QA?


Same. Every action bar on every character has been deleted and if i try to fix them, every time I log out and back in theyre all gone again. I have tried reinstalling wow and and deleting the wtf, cache, and interface folders.


dude. those are 2007 fixes. please people stop deleting every fkn thing and thinking thats the problem. Blizzard services is going on and off, thats the problem, its not saving your choices serverside.

All my characters have no bars to enable and I have no place to change spec or pick talents, have reloaded 10 times nothing, wake me up when you have this solved, so annoying

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I’m also only experiencing this on my Warlock. Though I have Guild mates who are experiencing it on various other classes. Not quite sure how to remedy. I’ve tried disabling add-ons and I desperately tried different methods of logging out to see if I could find a fix and na-da. Fingers crossed for a fast and easy solution!

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This is the case on my timerunner priest as well. I’ve tried a few things with no results to speak of. Its getting frustrating. I log in and assign the bare minimum to my bars to play with. Getting really old really fast.

Same. Have 5 lvl 70’s and a lvl 55 with the issue…and it takes a lot of time to reset action bars every single time I log in.

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I’m seeing the same thing. Fire Mage bars are fine. Swap to Frost…and they’re gone.

Edit: I deleted /WTF and /Interface/Addons and then scanned to repair the game. That fixed it for me.

Same issue. Death Knight bars.

Having the same issue across multiple characters.

No dice for me. Ty for the suggestion, though.

Same, seems to be on Warlock also.

I’m also experiencing this bug, but for only one build of one talent spec.

I imported an M+ resto build and was sorting stuff out when I DC’ed. Upon logging back in, all of my bars for that build were empty/cleared.

Switching to guardian spec, swapping to a raid resto build, exiting the game and relogging, and those bars are fine. It’s just the M+ resto build that’s giving me trouble.

I’ve redone my M+ bars about 3 times now (making sure to reload ui once I’m done). Tried logging out as guardian, then logging in and swapping to M+. Tried logging out in M+ build – the bars are always cleared after relogging.

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This is happening to my mage.

This is also happening to my Warlock.
Gonenuts - Aman’Thul (OCE)
I’ve disabled all addons, tried changing specs, but it keeps happening.
As I am logging in I hear the swish sound made from moving abilities and all my bars are blank except when mounted 4 default dragonflight abilities are there in default position.

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