Aliens in Azeroth!

You can see the Saberon and Botani running off on the right and left sides on the video when they are looking towards Durotar

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Eh, in Draenor we get explicitly different (decidedly LESS hostile) Elemental Lords, so even if there is some overlap (Elune, for instance, is apparently a cosmic level goddess, not just something for the Night Elves) it doesn’t mean everything everywhere is shared.

That said, the Orcs seemed to have a thing for the ancient Lo’gosh/Goldrinn from the word jump, so this might be one of those shared cases.

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its called “Convergent evolution” Were basically all destined to evolve into crabs.

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The differences are due to the elemental lords being different in appearance.
In Azeroth the elemental lords are Ragnaros and other 3 irrelevant ones.
But in the end, they are the same things (but because Azeroth’s soul the elemental lords here are stronger, in Draenor they are more aggressive because they have to fight with plants)

Thanks for sharing this :blush:

Now this would be interesting

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It did, but it was a pine cone attack.


And i thought this thread was going to be about putting

into WoW…

If that happened then i suggest we send Void Elves and Vulpera to scout the Aliens Nest.


i just made myself comfy with a cup of coffee while on this couch!

Yep. I for one am hoping that Exploring Kalimdor gives some updates on them as Rexxar and Zekhan explore Kalimdor.

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I SO hope it’ll be new allied races. kitties for horde and plant peeps for Alliance. I’m sure the druidic nelves can tame the plants and the horde… well they got boars.

Turtle ducks and banthers are a thing in other series. Why not have something like that here

Yes yes we do. The boars you guys have are inferior to our Chad durotarian boars.

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Yeah, I mean the Alliance was only sailing back and forth from Darkshore to Menethril Harbor for like a dozen years and never noticed Zandalar or Kul Tiras all in all that time :slight_smile: I mean the old ship travel route took it right by them.

The Rextroy of creatures. Finding a way…

Launched from their doomed defensive fortification: The Maginot Vine

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Ducks: The dreaded Breadsucker.

Only the Elementals. They retconned it a few years ago with the Chronicles books. The only life that is purely native to Azeroth are the Elementals. When the planet first formed the four main elements were too strong and the element of spirit was too weak for life beyond the elementals to form.

Before the Old Gods show up the whole planet is noting but the Elementals in constant war with each other.

Then the Old Gods crash down, enslave the Elementals and create their own servant races like the bug races and Faceless Ones.

Later the Titans show up, smack down the Old Gods, put them in prisons and make the elemental realms for the Elements. Freya then proceeds to ‘create’ the Emerald Dream and seed life on the planet while the other Watchers build the Forges and create the Earthen, Vrykul and the Mechagnomes etc.

So all life after the Elementals are species from other worlds or created by species from other worlds.

I feel that whenever we make it to the Emerald Dream/Life’s version of the Sladowlands that we find out that realm has a major influence on how life forms on all the mortal worlds. Basically we get the same sort of life on all worlds because that’s how the inherent magic that powers life says it should be.

What do you mean by Aliens?
