I heard the Algalon speech when we were raiding during Wrath, but there were parts of it that didn’t make sense and I convinced myself that I should be more patient and wait, so that maybe in later expansions they would add more writing to clear up the ambiguities. But to be honest, I don’t think they really ever did. Now recently, all over the internet, everybody constantly mentions it but then make implications and assumptions that the speech didn’t really say.
Let me just kind of jot down some questions that were in my mind. No chronological order or anything.
The speech says “all calculated odds”, does that mean he saw real worlds destroyed or just ran a scan millions of times where he would have sent the signal for reorigination in all of those scans except this one?
The speech says makers flame, not titan flame; but he doesn’t say maker in the other parts of his speech, he says titans when he isn’t talking about flame. So does him saying maker’s flame on many worlds…does that mean titans or Sargeras?
Does Algalon know the difference between Titans and Sargeras? Does he know Sargeras isn’t part of the pantheon anymore?
Speech says he saw “worlds born and razed in less than a heartbeat” , okay…but that is not how worlds shaped by the Titans are made? All the worlds shaped by Titans that we know about took time, sometimes thousands of years to be born. So again, did he see real worlds razed or just processed a computer scan that simulated millions of worlds where he would have confirmed razing in each of those simulations?
If real worlds for any of the above, did he do it when the Titans were still alive and personally in contact, or after, when the Titans were gone and could never second guess his decision?
If real worlds for any of the above, again, why did none of those souls go to shadowlands? Why did Shadowlands expansion never mention or rumor or hint or even suggest that some souls or some worlds anywhere had been reoriginated? Does this mean it didn’t happen, or if it did happen the souls got put somewhere else when reorigination was complete?
Why did Aggramar never reoriginate Draenor?
Why did no titan reoriginate Argus?
Why did no Titan reoriginate Azeroth way back when they were physically present and the Black Empire was at its greatest power and extent and the world at its most corrupted?
Why did no titan reoriginate K’aresh?
Was Algalon aware of Sargeras betraying all other Titans, and if not…did Sargeras tell Algalon to reoriginate those worlds?
Was Algalon made by the Titans or made by somebody else and repurposed or reprogrammed by Titans later on? If made by somebody else, is that who he would refer to as a maker?
Why did we never talk to him ever again, even to see if he could scan for corruption to see if it was less or where that corruption was so we could deal with it?
How do Constellars work…Algalon’s speech acts like he goes all over the universe but other lore sources claim that each world has their own private Constellars, including the single Constellar that Sargeras killed at the world Sargeras cut in half, and Argus raid journal says that the constellars which appear in the fight belong only to Argus… so again, is it possible Algalon was a constellar “only” for Azeroth and every world he thinks he saw razed was another hypothetical Azeroth in a computer simulation in Algalon’s mind where the simulation lasted for less than a second each? By all means, he could have run the simulation millions of times and repeatedly concluded that reorigination was warranted, then when we defeat him he could question his ability to calculate accurately?
So what happens ‘after’ Reorigination? Does the planet get put back into a good order with corruption removed and souls put back into new bodies to try again? Or does the world have to start over and develop for many thousands of years to new life and new souls?
If reorigination is real and not simulated, do the Titans always create the sentient mortals which are getting reoriginated? Wouldn’t they have every moral right to do so, if there wouldn’t be any sentient mortals without them on such worlds? Morality being subjective, there. Same as every moral reaction to what Titans are doing is subjective also.
We needed more writing by blizzard to clear up some of these ambiguities that the Algalon speech doesn’t answer.
edit: Well, I’m glad I didn’t have any easy questions to answer.