Algalon speech makes me have questions

Now you’re shifting goalposts. Which is expected from a titan propagandist liar.

Nah, the titans clearly didn’t think that way. If they did, they would have given a single crap about Argus at any point before Sargeras turned it into a demon respawn point and would have given it a similar omnicide switch. They did not. They did not seem to give one to Draenor either. The only planet we know they did give one to was the one they tried to forcefully mutate; Azeroth.

They never cared about any other planet. They just wanted Azeroth to be whatever they wanted it to be, and were willing to slaughter all life on the planet for their evil, malicious goal.

If they cared about Azeroth’s suffering, they wouldn’t have made sure the thraegar, who Azeroth empowered to protect her from the titans’ forceful alterations to her according to recent lore, were KOS. If they cared about Azeroth, they would have listened to her.

They didn’t care about Azeroth’s suffering. They cared about their science experiment, and were prepared to kill all life for their goals.

You are defending slavery and multi-racial genocide, all in the name of titan propaganda.

They did when they installed the omnicide switch, gave Algalon the ability to activate it, and the conditions he should activate it under.

You’re just pretending that isn’t true and ignoring evidence because it ruins your shoddily constructed theory.

You are the WoW lore equivalent of a flat earther.

You not understanding the metaphor that I have already previously used on this forum elsewhere does not change it from the intended scope. The broccoli metaphor has always been about the planet, compared to other planets which Titans have ordered. Nice try at ad hominem… to distract from the fact the gardener metaphor is sound.

Firstly, we don’t know what other machinery Argus may have had… but given that there was no Old God corruption to trigger any testing by any Constellar for requesting any reorigination; we don’t have any reason to believe that if Argus had one, it would have been used at all. Sargeras showed up from outside and pretended to be a being of Light while he persuaded Archimonde and Kil’Jaeden to join him. Secondly, there is lore that claims that Sargeras already killed a different Constellar at a different planet right before Sargeras killed the world soul inside. So again, if Sargeras was wanting to use the already existing sentient inhabitants of Argus for his army, he wouldn’t allow such a failsafe to be activated. And since the constellar is required to send a reply code asking for reorigination…then presumably Sargeras can just say no, and deny the reply code. Thirdly, it is my impression that Sargeras didn’t start his move against Argus until he had already defeated the other Titans. So no, the Titans could not stop him from doing whatever he did to Argus.

You’re showing yet again that you do not know the lore. Draenor did not have a World Soul and therefore could not be used by a Void Lord to torture and wipe out all life everywhere in the universe. Instead, Aggramar had ordered that planet and was satisfied with the resulting fleshy sentient mortals…and then he left. Draenor is yet another example of a Titan ordering a planet that had problems and “NOT” reoriginating it.

Totally a lie on your part. If they didn’t care about any other planet, they would never order any planet.

They were the ones that “created” all sentient life on the planet…their goal is for every planet they order to have thriving and healthy and stable and complex life, in a sustainable manner. You’re proving that you don’t know what evil means.

You’re off the deep end. The Thraegar were not protecting anything, they were “attacking” the World Soul. You’re inventing some head canon and then replacing the real lore with that instead.

It’s not a science experiment… it is the Prime World Soul. Something that is just like them, maybe even the origin of themselves, depending on which definition of the word “prime” that they are intending. One meaning of prime would just be about quantity of power, but another meaning of prime is a connotation about causation and origin…as if maybe a Prime World Soul birthed all the other World Souls. We’ll need more writing to see which meaning of prime they intend.

No such thing ever happened, nor is that even what Reorigination does. Reorigination is the only process by a Cosmic power that actually replaces healthy sentient mortals. Death never does that. Chaos never does that. Void never does that. Light never does that. Life never does that.

Now you are being a liar about the Algalon encounter entirely. They established the Reorigination protocol to prevent Void Lords from gaining control of the World Soul. They never put Loken in charge, so Loken interfering and tampering with it and replacing the previous Prime Designate then working “WITH” Yogg-Saron and being defeated by us and then signaling Algalon to show up and scan for how bad the threat to the World Soul was is not Titans asking for reorigination to happen at that moment when I was in the raid. It is the protocol being sabotaged by Yogg-Saron and Loken. If the World Soul is genuinely at risk for corruption into a Void Titan… then it “SHOULD” be activated. And it would be moral to do so. Refusing to save trillions of lives of sentient mortals all over the universe would be an unethical thing to do. And you have proven that you are unethical.

You’re the equivalent of a Solipsist.

I do understand it. It’s just incorrect.

Again, nah. You know it isn’t.

Sure we do. There wasn’t any. If there was, either the Legion would have repurposed it, or the token guardian would have activated it when the world was corrupted.

Neither happened. Nothing was ever seen from titan machinery. Therefore, there never was any and the titans didn’t give a fig about Argus, or they just never bothered to see if the world even had a world-soul.

Either way? They clearly did not care.

Irrelevant; the titans still made certain to install facilities here. They still shaped life. They still worked on the world, just like others.

And they put no defenses in the event their experiment went arwy, which it did.

They did not care.

You know how absolutely weak of an argument this is, and it’s sad you’d even try to pretend you don’t.

The titans are beings of Order. Ordering is their very nature. They order planets, because ordering planets is what they do. It’s like saying every bagel a baker bakes is a bagel he cares about.

Nah, you know that isn’t true at all.

Their goal is to have life they approve of on all planets. Lifeforms they don’t approve of get eradicated. See: threagar.

Omnicide is evil. You’re proving you hold no value to life at all, only whatever the titans might plan.

You’re showing you not only don’t know what evil means, you don’t care what evil means because you only care about what godlike beings decide.

So now the titan keepers are liars.


Nah, not what happened. You don’t bother to pay any attention to the lore at all.

They were trying to attack the Worldcore, the shell the titans put around the World Soul. They decided to do so when exposure to Azeroth herself made them decide to do so.

You know nothing about any of the things you talk about at all.

According only to the titans, and only something they have assumed to be true. You literally have to take their “trust me bro” word for it to believe it.

That isn’t how it’s even described. You really don’t pay any attention to the lore at all and just make things up to fit your weird head canon.

Bull. We had literally just defeated an old god when Algalon thinks he should reoriginate Azeroth. We know from Chronicle, a book you think is actually the old gods because the factually correct lore within it is something you claimed only the old gods said, that Algalon wanted to omnicide Azeroth only because Loken was corrupted. Loken, whom we’d also already defeated. Because Algalon was never programmed for nuance. Because the titans didn’t give a crap.

You’re the one using nothing but head canons and “trust me bro, the titans are good” evidence. Literally only things within your own head.

You’re not just like a flat earther, you’re like a flat earther who thinks the earth is held up on the back of a turtle because you dreamed it was one night.

Nobody takes you seriously.

That right there proves you are a liar. As not even Archaedas ever said thraegar were protecting anything. Even in your unreliable narrator inspirations… they don’t even say what your head canon wishes.

Gardeners garden because they like gardens and want gardens. You’ve totally abandoned your own argument. A gardener cares about their garden for the same reason a parent cares about their children. The universe doesn’t care if a parent cares for their child…it is a subjective wish of the parent. I call that caring ethical. You’re essentially stomping your foot and wagging your finger and telling a parent “You just want that child to be healthy and thrive…you must be evil.” …it makes no sense.

You actively violate and contradict the lore… you do it over and over again.

Yet again, it is precisely what Reorigination means. You don’t follow the lore, you violate it and contradict it.

You can’t have it both ways. You cannot say Titans don’t care about Azeroth when the Titans themselves say that the reason they are going to all this effort is precisely because they believe it is the Prime World Soul. The cosmic death servants in shadowlands call Azeroth a Unique World Soul, and Sargeras considers Azeroth to be a uniquely powerful World Soul. There is no doubt that Azeroth is a World Soul, and that is has massive power. Thus, they care about it. Whether you think a parent is making mistakes by caring for their child too much doesn’t change the fact they care about it.

It wasn’t corrupted, that’s the point. There was no old god presence at all when Sargeras arrived to take control. And Constellars by definition require Titans to approve any reply codes they send. Sargeras would count as a Titan and he would just say no.

You just flat out lied… that is “NOT” what I said at all, about Chronicle or anything else. Misrepresenting someone is a symptom of your lack of integrity and ethics.

I have never taken you seriously because of your lack of integrity and ethics. You’ve proven that your gate-keepy bullying behavior on this forum means absolutely nothing for lore.

Go be Juror number 3 on your own time.

You should play WoW if you want to talk about it.

Not even a little bit, you just lack the critical thinking skills necessary to understand an argument beyond your own narrow views.

All I abandoned was your goofy gardener “metaphor” because it doesn’t fit the situation.

Quoting actual lore and using actual sources is only violating your head canon.

Algalon the Observer yells: Do not worry about my fate, Bronzen. If the signal is not transmitted in time, re-origination will proceed regardless. Save… your world…

No, you’re actually wrong again. Algalon is pretty blunt; we don’t stop re-origination, our world is gone.

You can’t even do basic research.

I’m using Chronicle as my evidence. You said I’m using the words of the old gods.

Nah, I’m noty lying, you just didn’t bother to ask for sources because you wanted to misrepresent me. Don’t be mad that your own tactic backfired once again.

Telling you that you are wrong is not gate-keeping.

Dismissing other people out of hand for disagreeing with you is gate-keeping, bullying behavior. You have engaged in it since you discovered how to post here. You’re just sadpants that someone’s firing back at you with your own dismissive tactics.

Sweetie, this isn’t a trial. The rest of us know that your head canon is irrelevant, and we don’t need to litigate that.

But sure, I’ll be a character in a movie for you. Inherit the Wind. That’s a more appropriate movie. I’ll play Drummond to your Brady. It’s still a legal drama, so you should be happy.

More of your pathetic pathological lies and worthless toxic behavior. The lore remains steadfast, regardless of your head canon and gatekeepy bullying behavior.

You are a hypocrite and a bigot, and all can see it day after day.

You funny Radish.

No one is bullying you you are just mad the titan POV on Azeroth is being challenged.

You lost it or something? I mean, you ask questions, i answer you, and bascially i give you the sources, and you still refuse the answers.

Bascially you want ONE answer and you will keep saying we dont understand unless we go your way :

Basically you make the question and the answer, why do you ask anything if you already have your mind made?

Its like, you will want that 2+2=5 but you want people to agree with you, so you will ask “whats result of 2+2?” and peoples will say 4 and you will be like “nooooo its not what i wanted you to say!”

It was still not considered special as a planet.

And i thank you for all you have done on that thread :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You know mentioning my name in a post doesn’t ping me, right? Or did you just hope you could reply without me seeing so I’d lose interest in your clown post and you could pretend you won? The source you claimed to know said they were all journeying together shaping dozens of worlds. Azeroth was in their path and they Ordered it like the others, this is in the book, and the version with the scribblings in the margins.

I’ll keep debating if you want but at this point I’m convinced you’re a kid and I’m starting to feel like I’m bullying you.


You responding does not mean answering. You did nothing but a Gish Gallop, and never answered any of the Algalon speech questions at all. They remain unanswered by the writing of blizzard so far.

So bascially you asked us to answer something that blizz themselves did not answer and you would only want blizzard answer?

Thats a bit weird.