Now you’re shifting goalposts. Which is expected from a titan propagandist liar.
Nah, the titans clearly didn’t think that way. If they did, they would have given a single crap about Argus at any point before Sargeras turned it into a demon respawn point and would have given it a similar omnicide switch. They did not. They did not seem to give one to Draenor either. The only planet we know they did give one to was the one they tried to forcefully mutate; Azeroth.
They never cared about any other planet. They just wanted Azeroth to be whatever they wanted it to be, and were willing to slaughter all life on the planet for their evil, malicious goal.
If they cared about Azeroth’s suffering, they wouldn’t have made sure the thraegar, who Azeroth empowered to protect her from the titans’ forceful alterations to her according to recent lore, were KOS. If they cared about Azeroth, they would have listened to her.
They didn’t care about Azeroth’s suffering. They cared about their science experiment, and were prepared to kill all life for their goals.
You are defending slavery and multi-racial genocide, all in the name of titan propaganda.
They did when they installed the omnicide switch, gave Algalon the ability to activate it, and the conditions he should activate it under.
You’re just pretending that isn’t true and ignoring evidence because it ruins your shoddily constructed theory.
You are the WoW lore equivalent of a flat earther.